end of anchent period
the middle ages as it was caled was the midieval era and it all started with the fall of the roman empire which controlled most of europe -
Period: 200 to Jul 25, 1453
medieval europe
they had one big religon at the start which had all the land then it slowly fell apart. then a little bit was left then another religon came and took over leveing the first one to the side. becuase they needed another religon becuse they had one already and they respected that. it was there one and only god. -
europe 500
the easten half of the romen empire is that all remains. chistianity is the official religon now and the weston half is over run with germanic tribes -
Jan 1, 750
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they have converted from speaking and writing from latin to greek. spain is attacking the boarders of christenbyantine empire. -
Jul 25, 1215
1215 ad
they are starting to build in small kingdoms towns. and they are building stone castles in 1066 william of normady sails to england and defeats the saxon king. -
Jan 1, 1453
1453 ad
this is known as the end of the medievil period in europe. and begining of the moden period in 1453 the christian byzantine capital ofconstantinople falls to the muskim turks -
There is much evidence to suggest that King Richard I (the Lionheart) was a homosexual. There is a possibility that he met his wife Berenegaria whilst in a sexual relationship with her brother, the future King Sancho VII of Navarre. It is also reported that he and King Philip II of France were involved. A historian of the time, Roger of Hoveden said they “ate from the same dish and at night slept in one bed” and had a “passionate love between them”. -
ramdom 2
The Middle English term “pygg” referred to a type of clay. In the middle ages, people would often keep coins in jars or pots made of pygg – these were called “pygg jars”. By the 18th century, with the evolution of language, these came to be known as a “pig bank” or “piggy bank”. -
ramdom 3
Contrary to popular belief, medieval English people bathed quite regularly in public baths designed for that purpose. This was due to the belief that “cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Public baths were eventually opposed by the Protestants in the 16th century because of prostitution being common there -
ramdom 4
The famous Battle of Hastings did not take place in Hastings! It was actually waged at Senlac Hill – which is about 6 miles (10km) north-west of Hastings. “The battle at Senlac Hill” certainly doesn’t have the same ring to it as “The Battle of Hastings”! -
979 ad
the empire broke up from the vikings raids. this was the begining of the feudal system of sociity.