"Why Me, Lord" Timeline

  • 1954

    John Button's family and himself come to Australia from England
  • 1958

    John's dad welcomes Margret (John's Sister) and John home. John's dad bought a house.
  • 1962

    John meets Rosemary. John, Frank (his friend), Laraine (Frank's Girlfriend) and Rosemary went to a party where Frank organised Rosemary to be John's date.
  • 1963

    John Button was placed in jail.
    Rosemary's Death.
  • 1965

    2 years after jail sentence.
    He had a proposition for the prison guards.
    "i want you to give me peace of mind for the rest of my sentence" he said to the guards.
  • 1967

    Five Years in Prison.
    5 years of the 10 year sentence.
    Released form prison.
  • Period: to

    1968 - 2001

    John spent the next 35 years proving that he was innocent and was wrongly accused
  • 2002

    John Button was announced as innocent by the court and "falsely convicted man"