why i am who i am

By Lucas44
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  • my aunt moves

    this was a big deal bc she watched me and my older brother when we were young. she moved to Nashville Tennessee after she got married. She helped a lot when she lived here.
  • my little brother was born

  • my little brother is born

    This was a big deal bc I had a little brother born. my aunt came back and stayed with me and Evan while my mom was in the hospital.i got to be an older brother.
  • i go to witchatall kanasa

    this was a big deal bc my dad's grandmaw died. it was sad times bc she had died. but we did have fun while we were there. it was the first vacation I can remember.
  • i go to little house eon the Perrier

    This was a fun experience seeing where they filmed the show. it was a special time. this was on the way back from Kansas.
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  • me and my older brother destroy my moms flip phone

    it was a fun day my parents were watching me and my brother play outside. we were playing in a little kitty pool outside in the front yard. my parents had to go inside and my mom left her pink flip phone on her chair. so while they were inside we thought it would be funny to pour water on their chairs.
  • my 3 cousin is born

  • my second cousin is born

  • i take my first trip to sliver dollar city

  • i go to my first badger football game

  • i learn a backflip on the tramp