
By Remyd
  • Jan 23, 1572

    Saint Jane de Chantal birth

    Saint Jane de Chantal entered the world as Jeanne-Francoise Fremyot
    on January 23, 1572, in Dijon, France
  • Saint Jane de Chantel meets st. Francis

    It was during Lent in 1604 when Jane met Francis de Sales for the
    first time in Dijon, while Francis was preaching his Lenten Sermons. Later Saint Jane de Chantal, wife, mother after this first meeting, Jane told Francis de Sales that she desired to enter and religious founder.
    religious life.
  • Saint Jane becomes a sister

    On June 10, 1610, Jane’s four children were now ready to be on their
    own, so Jane along with two other women began their lives as Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary in the Galerie House in Annecy, France. After their novitiate year, these thr ee women pr ofessed to Live Jesus by visiting the poor and sick, having no bond but the bond of love.
  • Saint Jane placed her faith in God

    During a retreat in 1616, she placed her total confidence in God alone and continued to follow the Path of devotion she had walked with her spiritual friends, Francis de Sales and Vincent de Paul.
  • Saint Jane’s death

    On December 13, 1641, Saint Jane died and was buried near her friend and co-founder Saint Francis de Sales in Annecy, France.
  • Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque birth

    She was born Marguerite Alacoque on July 22 in L’hautecour,
  • Saint Margaret mary alacoque joins the visitation sisters

    At the age of 27 on August 25, 1671, she joined the Visitation
    community in Paray-le-Monial. She chose the name Sister Margaret Mary due to her devotion to Mary.
  • Saint Margaret Mary alacoque’s Vision of Jesus

    In 1673, she had a vision of Jesus who showed her his Sacred Heart
    for the first time, while she was contemplating upon the Blessed Sacrament. During that vision, Jesus expressed the great love He had for the entire human race and for her, in particular, as she would bring greater knowledge of Christ’s love for the world
  • Saint Jane’s canonization

    She was canonized in 1767. The feast of Saint Jane de Chantal is August 18th.
  • Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis birth

    Marie Teresa Chappuis was born on June 16, 1793 in Soyhieres amid the Jura mountains in Switzerland. Her father was a royal guard for King Louis XVI. She attended the Visitation school at Fribourg at the age of twelve.
  • Saint John Bosco Birth

    John Bosco was born on August 16, 1815, near Turin, Italy, At an
    early age, he had a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, praying often before the altar of Our Lady of Grace at the Cathedral of Sancta Maria della Scala.
  • Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis entered the visitation community

    Though she was of poor health, she entered the Visitation community of Fribourg and professed her vows in 1816 as Sister Mary Francis de Sales. After the French Revolution, she re-established the Visitation community in Troyes, France and became known as Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis.
  • Blessed Father Louis Brisson’s birth

    Louis Brisson was born June 23, 1817. He was the only child of
    Toussaint and Savine Brisson, who ran a grocery store in Plancy, France. Young Louis Brisson loved to read and was educated by a local priest with a vast library.
  • Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello Birth

    She was born 1837 in the small farming village of Mornese, Italy where she worked in the vineyards under the scorching sun.
  • Blessed Father Louis Brisson joins the priest hood

    The example of the priestly educators served as a greater influence
    on Louis’ career choice than the many scientist/inventors he had read about in books. Therefore, he decided to become a priestly educator as well. He was ordained a diocesan priest on December 19, 1840.
  • Saint Dominic Savio Birth

    Dominic Savio was born on April 2, 1842 in the small northern Italian village Riva. His parents, Charles and Brigid Savio, were devout Catholics who instilled young Dominic with a strong faith in God’s loving goodness and a passion to do God’s will.
  • Saints Leonie Aviat

    Leonie was born September 16, 1844, in Sezanne, France. Like Father
    Louis Brisson, her parents were shopkeepers. She attended the Visitation convent school at Troyes when she was eleven and met Mother Mary De Sales Chappuis and Father Louis Brisson.
  • Saint Dominic Savio Rules to himself

    While preparing for his First Holy Communion, Dominic wrote for himself these four rules showing an unusual sense of spiritual wisdom for a Saint Dominic Savio show that one seven year old: 1. I will go to Confession and Communion as often as my can be a saint at any age. Confessor will allow. 2. I will sanctify Sundays and holy days in a special Permission granted by the Salesians of Don way. 3. Jesus and Mary will be my friends. 4. Death but not sin.
  • Saint Dominic Savio good works

    It was not till Dominic was 12 that he met Saint John Bosco. Dominic explained that he wanted to attend Father Bosco’s Oratory of Saint Francis de Sales as well as study for the priesthood if God called him to. Father Bosco was impressed with Dominic’s ability to memorize as well as his keen mind, but was concerned with Dominic’s health. All Father Bosco’s concerns vanished when Dominic showed his depth of spiritual insight by interpreting the meaning of passage he was asked to memorize.
  • Saint Dominic Savio Death and last words

    Saint Dominic Savio
  • Saint Leonie Aviat Co founded the Oblate sisters

    Brisson started for young girls working in the textile factories when she was only twenty-two years old. Five years later on October 11, 1871, she professed first vows in the new congregation she co-founded with Father Brisson called the Oblate Sisters of Saint Francis de Sales. As the congregation grew, they opened more boarding schools.
  • Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis death

    Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis died on October 7, 1875, in the Visitation Monastery at Troyes.
  • Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis canonization

    Her cause for canonization still continues with that of her co-founder, Father Louis Brisson. As Salesians, we celebrate her contribution to the Church on October 12th, Oblate Founders Day
  • Saint John Bosco death

    Died 1888
  • Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello’s congregation

    As years went by the new congregation spread rapidly under Mother
    Mazzarello’s direction By the year 1900, there were nearly 800 convents serving the needs of young people all over the world. Even in her later years Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello was known for both her humility and sense of humor.
  • Blessed Father Louis Brisson’s Death and feast day

    Father Brisson died February 2, 1908, with Mother Aviat and many Oblates at his side. His last words were “Jesus, my love- Mary – Joseph.” On Oblate Founders Day, October 12th, we celebrate his founding two orders that have spread far beyond the borders of France to the New World, Africa, and Asia. We also celebrate the life of Father Brisson on February 2nd.
  • Saint Leonie Aviat death

    Sister Leonie Aviat opened missions in South Africa and Ecuador. She died on January 10, 1914, six years after the death of Father Brisson.
  • Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello Death

    Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello died at age 44 in 1918, happy in theknowledge that she was a loving and faithful Bride of Christ. She also cherished the friendship and ministry that she shared with Saint John Bosco in caring for the souls of the young
  • Saint Margaret Mary alacoque canonization

    Saint Margaret Mary was canonized on May 13, 1920, and her feast
    day is celebrated on October 17 on the church calendar.
  • Saint John Bosco Canonized

    Another popular story goes that his boys would often get into fights about which of them Father Bosco loved most. Each time this happened Saint John Bosco would have to patiently remind them that he loved them all with the infinite love of Christ. John Bosco was canonized on April 1, 1934. His feast day is on January 31.
  • The seven visitation martyrs people

    The following seven sisters were martyred during the Spanish Civil War, all of them belonging to Visitation Monastary in Madrid, Spain. Their names are Blessed Sister Maria Gabriela de Hinolosa Naveros, Blessed Sister Josefa Maria Darrera Izaguirre, Blessed Sister Teresa Maria Cavestany y Anduaga, Blessed Sister Maria Angela Olaizola Garagarza, Blessed Sister Maria Engracla Lecuona Ararnburu, Blessed Sister Maria Ines Zudaire Galdeano and Blessed Sister Maria Cecilia Cendoya Araquista.
  • The founding of the The seven visitation martyrs

    It was early 1936 when the religious persecution in the Spanish Civil War was becoming more frequent. Earlier that year the community realized the danger of staying in Madrid and moved to Oronoz, leaving a group of six nuns in the charge of Sr. Maria Gabriela de Hinojosa Naveros.
  • Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello Feast day

    Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello was canonized on April 27, 1951. Her feast day is celebrated on May 14.
  • Saint Dominic Savio Canonization and feast day

    Saint Dominic Savio was canonized in 1954. His feast day is March 9th.
  • Saint Leonie Aviat Canonized

    Saint Leonie Aviat was canonized in 2001 and is the most recently canonized member of the Salesian family. Her feast day is on January 10th.