Whose voices and what issues should Canadians care about?

  • Period: to

    Timeline of events in Canada

  • Lavell Case result

    Lavell Case result
    As a result of the case native women can marry a non native man and keep their status to keep and inherit the family land.
  • Mohawk warriors set up barricades

    Mohawk warriors set up barricades
    They set up barricades to protect their land from a golf course expansion near Oka, Quebec. Police and army were called.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    Elijah Harper a Cree member of Manitoba Legisature refused to support the Accord because Canadian Constitution didn't recognize Aboriginal rights.
  • Ipperwash Provincial Park protest

    Ipperwash Provincial Park protest
    Members of the Stoney Point and Kettle First nations enter the park and demand that the goverment gives back the land it took in 1942 for a training camp and promised to return it. 2 people were shot and 1 was killed by the OPP
  • The Royal Commission on Aboriginal people report

    The Royal Commission on Aboriginal people report
    The main conclusion of the report is that there was needed a complete change in the relationship of Aboriginal people and non-Aboroiginal people
  • Nisga'a treaty with the goverment

    Nisga'a treaty with the goverment
    They settle a land claim with the goverment on more then 2000 square meters of land
  • Creation of Nunavut

    Creation of Nunavut
    Nunavut was created. The province has major parts of Inuit population and speak English and Inuktitut as their official languages
  • Six Nations protest

    Six Nations protest
    The Haudenosaunee put baricades around a housing development to demand their land title back. In 2008 some land titles were settled. In 2011 they get reward with 20 million dollars from the class action lawsuit.
  • Shannen Koostachin

    Shannen Koostachin
    Shannen Koostachin a 14 year old from Attawapiskat First Nation meets with Indian Affairs minister Chock Struhl to build a "safe and comfy" school. Her offer is turned down and the school is scheduled to be finised in 2013-2014.
  • The Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People

    The Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People
    Canada endorses the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which had opposed since its adoption in 2007
  • The Idle No More Movement

    The Idle No More Movement
    They use social media to call on people for "peacful revolution". Protests such as circle dances and rail blockades were made.
  • The Truth and Reconciliation Commision report

    The Truth and Reconciliation Commision report
    The report identified 94 "Calls To Action" to "redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconcilitation".