Who was Jesse Owens?

  • Jesse Owens was born in Oakville, Alabama

    Jesse Owens was born in Oakville, Alabama
  • United States introduced income taxes (the 16th amendment)

    United States introduced income taxes (the 16th amendment)
  • Jesse Owens moves with family to Cleveland, Ohio

    Jesse Owens moves with family to Cleveland, Ohio
  • The first ever Winter Olympic Games held in France

    The first ever Winter Olympic Games held in France
  • Adolf Hitler elected chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler elected chancellor of Germany
  • Jesse Owens at Big Ten Championships, sets three world records and ties another in less than an hour. Marries Ruth Solomon

    Jesse Owens at Big Ten Championships, sets three world records and ties another in less than an hour. Marries Ruth Solomon
  • Jesse Owens wins four gold medals at Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany

    Jesse Owens wins four gold medals at Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany
  • Germany invaded Poland, started World War II

    Germany invaded Poland, started World War II
  • He is named top track athlete of the first half of the twentieth century

    He is named top track athlete of the first half of the twentieth century
  • Brown vs. Board of Education ruling by Supreme Court- ends school segregation

    Brown vs. Board of Education ruling by Supreme Court- ends school segregation
  • He was sent on international goodwill tour by President Eisenhower

    He was sent on international goodwill tour by President Eisenhower
  • Starts his own advertising and marketing company

    Starts his own advertising and marketing company
  • March on Washington and major civil rights rally- President John F. Kennedy is assassinated

    March on Washington and major civil rights rally- President John F. Kennedy is assassinated
  • Civil Rights Act passed by Congress, made all segregation illegal

    Civil Rights Act passed by Congress, made all segregation illegal
  • Civil rights leader Martin Luther Jing Jr. assassinated

    Civil rights leader Martin Luther Jing Jr. assassinated
  • Jesse Owens was elected for board of directors of Us Olympic Committees

    Jesse Owens was elected for board of directors of Us Olympic Committees
  • Last US forces to leave Vietnam at the end of Vietnam War

    Last US forces to leave Vietnam at the end of Vietnam War
  • He was given Presidential Medal of Freedom

    He was given Presidential Medal of Freedom
  • America celebrated the Bicentennial, its two hundredth birthday

    America celebrated the Bicentennial, its two hundredth birthday
  • To protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the US does not send athletes to the Summer Olympics in Moscow

    To protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the US does not send athletes to the Summer Olympics in Moscow
  • Jesse Owens dies of lung cancer in Arizona at age sixty-six

    Jesse Owens dies of lung cancer in Arizona at age sixty-six