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Who Was Alfred Hitchcock

  • Born

    Alfred Hitchcock was born in London, England.
  • Hitchcock starts college!

    Hitchcock starts college!
    Alfred attends college at St. Ignatius College.
  • Alfred’s Father dies

    Alfred’s Father dies
    Hitchcock’s father, William Hitchcock, dies
  • War begins

    World war 1 begins.
  • Hitchcock works

    Hitchcock works
    Hitchcock goes to work for Henley Telegraph Company
  • Hitchcock gets married

    Hitchcock gets married
    Hitchcock marries Alma Reville
  • Alfred has a kid

    Alfred has a kid
    Patricia Hitchcock is born.
  • Hitchcock moves to America

    Hitchcock moves to America
    The Hitchcock’s move to Hollywood.
  • Wins award

    Wins award
    Hitchcock is awarded the Irving Thalberg Award
  • Received lifetime achievement award

    Received lifetime achievement award
    Hitchcock receives lifetime achievement award from the American Film Institute.
  • Hitchcock dies

    Hitchcock dies