Why did the USSR collapse?

  • Pereistroka and Glasnost

    Pereistroka and Glasnost
    Gorbachev in power, implements the policies of Perestroika and Glasnost, beginnning the collapse of the communist USSR.
  • Period: to

    End of Cold War

  • Poland independent

    Poland independent
    Solidarity wins elections in Poland, the country becomes independent.
  • Hungary independent

    Hungary independent
    Hungary becomes independent.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall, seen as a symbol of communism in Eastern Europe, falls.
  • Independence of other satellite states

    Independence of other satellite states
    Communist governments fall in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania. The Soviet empire crumbles.
  • Lithuania independence

    Lithuania independence
    Lithuania obtains independence as well.
  • New president

    New president
    Boris Yeltsin elected as the new president of Russia.
  • Germany reunited

    Germany reunited
    Both East and West Germany reunite at last.
  • Warsaw Pact ends

    Warsaw Pact ends
    The Warsaw Pact, long associated with communism, finally comes to an end.
  • End of the Soviet Union

    End of the Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union dissolves.