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Who is Marco Polo? by Joan Holub

By MalReal
  • 1254

    Marco Polo is born

    Marco Polo is born
    Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy. His dad was a jewel merchant and his mom died when he was young.
  • 1271

    Marco leaves for China

    Marco leaves for China
    Marco leaves for China with his dad and uncle, they were looking for items to sell. His dad was returning to see Kublai Khan.
  • Period: 1271 to 1324

    Who is Marco Polo?

    The timeline of Marco Polo’s life.
  • 1275

    Marco Polo meets Kublai Khan

    Marco Polo meets Kublai Khan
    Marco Polo meets Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan paid Marco his dad and uncle a lot of money for doing missions for him. Kublai Khan loved Marco but the people did not.
  • 1291

    Marco Polo escorts a Princess to Persia

    Kublai Khan would not let Marco and his family leave China. Escorting the Princess was a way out of China.
  • 1294

    Kublai Khan Dies

    Kublai Khan dies, and now Marco can not go back China. Without Kublai's protection Marco would not be safe.
  • 1295

    Marco Polo goes home to Italy

    Not able to go back to china Marco is forced to return home.
  • 1298

    Marco Polo is captured at sea and goes to prison.

    Marco Polo is captured at sea and goes to prison.
    After returning home war broke out in Italy. Marco became the "gentleman commander" of a Venetian ship. He was captured in a sea battle and sent to prison. While he was in prison he made a friend and his famous book "The Travels of Marco Polo".
  • 1299

    Marco Polo got released from prison

    Marco got released and returned to Italy. He takes his book with him.
  • 1300

    Marco Polo dad dies and gets married

    Marco's dad dies. Then at 45 years old he gets married to Donata Badoer. They had 3 daughters together.
  • 1324

    Marco Polo dies

    At age 69 Marco Polo dies. On his deathbed he famously said "I never told half of what I saw."