Who Am I?

  • Met my dad for the first time.

    I met new family members and bonded with my mom when traveling to Oklahoma.
  • My mom and stepdad got married

    Broght my step dad into the family. I became the only one with the last name Hatch.
  • My twin brothers were born

    Two special people were added to my family. I began to have to step up as an older sister.
  • My great grandpa Whichers passed

    It broght my whole family closer together.
    My birthday became a day of greif instead of celebration.
  • Moved from apartments to a house

    I had to go to a new school and things began to settle down.
  • Met Makenna Coxey

    I met my bestfriend who has been by my side ever since.
  • Made the Kentwood cheer squad

    This gave me a new confidence and now is my passion.
  • 2nd place at Cheerleading Nationals

    All of my hard work and dedication finally paid off.