White Australia policy

  • use of the word ''Australia''

    before 1860 Australia wasn't referred to as Australia but known by popular locations of the colony's or the colony's name its self eg. botany bay.
  • australia day and push for unification

    ANA members shifted there goals to identify with australian and largely campaigned for there to be an australia commemoration day.
    they also pushed for the australian colonies to unite as they had very few differences and that unification would benefit them.
  • unification and independence of Australia

    1/1/1901 is the date that marks the official unification of australian colonies and independence of australia as a hole.
  • immigration restriction act

    the first bill passed by the new australian government was the immigration restriction act ,designed to limit foreigners without anglo-euro decent from migrating the country.a test would be given to migrants in another language so few non english speaking people could enter the country.
  • commonwealth franchise act (women over 21 can vote)

    still not equal to men women were given the right to vote at the age of 21.
  • (aboriginals cannot vote)

    even though women can vote the commonwealth franchise act still didn't allow aboriginals to vote .
  • Alfred Deakin becomes the 2nd prime minister

    in 1903 alfred deakin (a large petitioner for the unification of australia and the white australia policy) enters office as prime minister after he resigned to become a founding member of the Australian high court starting his first of 3 terms as prime minister.
  • Arthur Calwell open borders ww2 victims

    due to the horrific actions of ww2, millions of europeans and asian were displaced with no ware to go.so Arthur calwell concocted a plan to ease the immigration process to allow 2 million people into australia for calwells reason of improving national development and defence.
  • immigration act dictation test swapped for entry permits

    due to the ease in migration availability to australia the dictation test was swapped out for the more simple entry permit system allowing people who passed to enter and leave australia with permits and also live in australia
  • whitlam gov stop the enforcement of racial aspects of immigration law

    the whitlam government was the firs to dismantle the white australia policy by introducing policies that allowed race to no-longer affect migration to australia and to stop the enforcement of racial aspects of migration law.migrants now have the same rules on visas, and were able to be australian citizens.people were aloud to be citizens if they could prove they could help australian society instead of their race or nationality.