Whilliam Whewell

  • Whilliam Whewell (1794-1866)

    William Whewell was born on May 24, 1794 in Lancaster, Lancanshire, England. Whewell died on March 6, 1866 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England to father John Whewell and his wife Elizabeth Bennison. William was the eldest of seven children. William success in mathematics at t Lancaster Royal Grammar School and Heversham grammar school held hm in good graces of many of his teachers.
  • William Whewell (1794-1866)

    Due to Williams's exceptional efforts during his early years of education, those efforts led to him being awarded an exhibition (a type of scholarship) to Trinity College, Cambridge in 1812. In 1814, Whewell was awarded the Chancellor's Prize for his amazing poem " Boadicea". By 1816, William had received his bachelor's degree from Trinity College.
  • William Whewell (1794-1866)

    William Whewell in his lifetime had many titles, English polymath, philosopher, theologian, Anglican priest, historian of science, but my favorite, and one that He himself came up with... SCIENTIST. Apart from his many titles, he also published many important pieces of literature. He led an exhibition to study tidal motions and actions called " The Great Tide Experiment of 1835"
  • William Whewell (1794-1866)

    In 1866, Whewell unfortunately passed away due to a fall from his horse in Cambridge. He was buried in the chapel of his alma mater Trinity College, Cambridge. Both of his wives are buried together at Mill Road Cemetery, Cambridge. There is also a window at All Saints' Church, Cambridge, that is dedicated to his second wife, Lady Affleck.