Where is my dad he told me he was going to the store and never came back

By BOT#1
  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    I was born in June 15 2001
  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
    The day of kindergarten I was nerves and scarred because I had never been to school and didn't know what it would be like, live most kids I cried the first day but soon I found out kindergarten was fun.
  • I Learned To Swim

    I Learned To Swim
    my brother taught me how to swim when I was 6
  • First Time I Saw Snow

    First Time I Saw Snow
    I went to Yosemite and saw snow for the first time
  • I moved homes

    I moved homes
    I moved in to a new house
  • I Moved Schools

    I Moved Schools
    I moved schools from Simmons to Gilbert
  • First Time I Left California

    First Time I Left California
    I went to Ohio to visit my grand parents who had recently moved there
  • went to San Francisco

    went to San Francisco
    I went to San Francisco in the summer of 2012
  • First Day of Middle School

    First Day of Middle School
    I was excited because I wanted to see my old friends from when i moved schools
  • Ran A Six Minute Mile

    Ran A Six Minute Mile
    In the weekly mile in my middle school I ran a mile in 6:23
  • I went to new York

    I went to new York
    My parents let me visit new York with my brother, we stayed in new York for 4 days and then came back
  • First Day of high school

    First Day of high school
    The first day of high school I didn't want to go because I had a great summer and sad that it had ended
  • My Best Friend Left

    My best friend moved out of California to Missouri
  • went to Las Vagas

    went to Las Vagas
    In the summer of 2017 I went to las vegas with my family
  • First Job

    First Job
    I got a job at stater bros