Where do I come from!

  • My great Grandfather

    My great Grandfather
    He was born in sanderston, South Australia and his name is Johann Herb;ert Loman.
    Push Factor
    Its colder than in adelaide Its livable because its a nice peaceful town
  • Great Grandma

    Great Grandma
    She was born in lobethal name is frieda Ernstine Hein
    Pull Factor
    Its a nice place
    They have really cool christmas lights which has attracted tourists since 1950
    Good place to live because its peaceful
  • Grandpa

    He was born in Adelaide and his name was jack ellis Adelaide is livable because it never gets TOO cold! But still gets cold
  • Grandma

    She was born in Adelaide and her name was betty
  • My Great grandma's

    Her name is Emelia Sas and was born in Poland Zwiernik and she moved to Australia because she was a refugee because of world war 2 and she got sent to Australia and lived in Manumn.
  • Great Grandfather

    Great Grandfather
    He was born in Poland and died early
  • Grandfather

    He was born in Mannum and moved to Adeeliade when he got a jod there. His name is Kevin Robert Loman
  • Grandma

    She was a refugee in Poland and then got sent to australia and lived in mannum until my grandpa got a new job in adelaide
    Pull Factor
    Her family lived there Livable becasue it looks pretty!
  • Dad

    My dad moved moved houses he was born in adelaide Adelaide is livable because of the good infrastructure
  • Mum

    My mum was born in Mannum and moved to Adelaide when my grandpa got a new job in Adealide. And then she moved houses when she moved out of my grandparents house then when she got married to my dad they lived in a house then moved to blackwood and rented it while we were building our new house then we moved!
    Push factors
    Its 1 hour from Adelaide
    Pull Factor
    Next the the Murray River
    You can go jet skiing there
    Mannum Is livable because not very crowded
  • Bro

    He was born in adeliade and his bday is a day before mine Pull Factor
    He has the #1 Sister Adelaide has good entertainment which makes it more livable
    has entertainment
  • Zoe Pro

    Zoe Pro
    My name is zoe pro i moved houses twice and i was in pasadena then i went to blackwood while we were building our new house then i moved back to pasadena! yay
    Push Factors
    Its far from town and school
    The neighbours arent friendly
    Pull Factors
    We found a cat that we can keep
    its next to a forest type of place Pasadena is livable because its always quite peaceful
    near pasadena green
  • Cat (Jax)

    Cat (Jax)
    Hes the best male cat in the world Pasadena is livable becasue there arent lots of dogs around our area that can attack jax
  • Cat (Delilah)

    Cat (Delilah)
    She is a super awesome cat
  • Cat (Sabrina)

    Cat (Sabrina)