when writing became my thing

  • forced to watch leapfrog

    Cause i was having a hard time with both reading and writing the teacher told my mom and dad that i should watch leapfrog and because i was still learning how to speak English i struggled a lot to understand what i was learning at the time
  • my love for writing unfolds

    it was in 4th grade the being of the year on the class
    was working on a paper and it was on storms
  • Period: to

    5th grade English class was a pain for me

    That year was full of C´s and D´s cause the teacher did not explain things clearly
  • I started writing short story and songs a lot more

    it was that spark that got me to where i am now
  • Period: to

    i joined the news paper 7th grade then i later joined morning news team later in 8th grade

    so i took my love for writing to the school news and i was successful there but i wanted to do more so in 8th grade i joined the school news team there.
  • i started reading more books to get inspiration for my writing

    this is where all my fun began it was like the key to something i was missing
  • thanks to my writing and reading skill that i worked so hard for i won third place in a speech competition

    and i was not expecting that to happen but thanks to my hard work it did and i´m grateful for that cause i know that if it were for my confidence i would not of won at all.
  • but i´m here now

    and i would like to thank all the people i met along the way Cause they had a strong impact on the writer i have become to day