
What was happening during 1986-1990?

  • 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

    1986 Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
    Space shuttle launching from Cape Canaveral in Florida explodes 73 seconds after launching killing 7 astronauts and a teacher that had been specifically trained and chosen to join the mission.
  • 1986 Comet Halley

    1986 Comet Halley
    Comet Halley reaches the closest point to the Earth, during its second visit to the solar system in the 20th century.
  • 1986 Soviets free Scharansky

    1986 Soviets free Scharansky
    The Soviet Union released a leading Jewish descendant named Anotoly Scharansky. He was being held captive by the Soviet Union due to being accused of espionage. He was released February 11, 1986 and it marked an event in the easing of East-West tension.
  • 1986 Soviets Nuclear Disaster At Chernobyl

    1986 Soviets Nuclear Disaster At Chernobyl
    A Soviet nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine exploded, releasing fatal radiation to the surrounding areas. This was a very important event in Ukrainian history, this would affect many lives. Over 100,000 people were eventually affected by the explosion and it greatly impacted Soviet citizens. At first the soviets in Moscow wanted to ignore the situation but when Scandinavian monitors noticed the high radiation, they had to admit and face how many lives were affected.
  • 1986 Oprah Winfrey Show debuts

    1986 Oprah Winfrey Show debuts
    The Oprah Winfrey Show debuts nationally during September of 1986. Her show soon became the highest-rated talk show in the U.S. and aired for 25 seasons, winning over 45 Daytime Emmy Awards. Using her show as a platform, Oprah became an influential figure in popular culture and is now ranked as one of the wealthiest and most powerful African-American women in the country. The Oprah Winfrey Show made over 4,500 episodes before it ended in 2011.
  • 1987 The Simpsons First Appear

    1987 The Simpsons First Appear
    The first “The Simpsons” cartoon short is shown on The Tracey Ullman Show during April. The series aired on the newly launched Fox television network and a total of 48 Simpsons shorts were shown before they were turned into their own series in 1989 . The cartoon was created by Matt Groening and produced by James L. Brooks.
  • 1987 Full House Debuts

    1987 Full House Debuts
    The popular television sitcom, “Full House,” debuts on ABC during September.
  • 1987 Fiji Becomes a Republic

    1987 Fiji Becomes a Republic
    The Dominion of Fiji proclaims itself as a Republic during October. Leading up to the proclamation, Fiji experienced two coups and was run by a military government from May until October. Fiji had become independent from Great Britain in 1970, but Queen Elizabeth II was still the head of state until the establishment of a fully independent republic. Fiji enjoyed full independence for the first time since 1874 when it had become a British colony.
  • 1987 Southern British Storm

    1987 Southern British Storm
    Hurricane force winds hit much of the South of England killing 22 people
  • 1987 Signing of I.N.F

    1987 Signing of I.N.F
    1987 Reagan and Gorbechav meet in Washington The signing of the I.N.F. (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) treaty in 1987 marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War. I.N.F. was the first treaty to eliminate a complete class of weapons. It was also the first treaty to include an in-depth verification program.
  • 1988 Soviet Union withdraws from Afghanistan

    1988 Soviet Union withdraws from Afghanistan
    Soviet Red Army withdraws from Afghanistan.
    The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan after signing the Geneva Accords in April of 1988. The 1988 Accords were officially known as the “Agreements on the Settlement of the Situation Relating to Afghanistan.” These agreements were the result of talks between Afghanistan, Pakistan, the USSR, and the United States, which ended on April 8, 1988.
  • 1988 Iraq War Ends

    1988 Iraq War Ends
    After 8 years and 1.5 million dead the Iran -- Iraq war ends
  • 1988 Space Shuttle Program

    1988 Space Shuttle Program
    US Space Shuttle program resumes 2 1/2 years after the Challenger disaster.
  • 1988 Yellowstone National Park

    1988 Yellowstone National Park
    Over 1/3 of Yellowstone National Park is destroyed when a series of more than 250 small different fires combined with the 1988 Drought destroys 793,880 acres of the park.
  • 1988 Armenia Earthquake

    1988 Armenia Earthquake
    Earthquake in Armenia Kills 60,000
  • 1988 Scotland Lockerbie Bombing

    1988 Scotland Lockerbie Bombing
    Suspected Libyan terrorist bomb explodes on Pan Am jet over Lockerbie in Scotland on December 21st killing all 259 on board and 11 on the ground
  • 1989 U.S. Ted Bundy

    1989 U.S. Ted Bundy
    Serial killer Ted Bundy is executed in Florida's electric chair
  • 1989 Game Boy Released

    1989 Game Boy Released
    Nintendo releases the Game Boy in Japan in April and in North America in July
  • 1989 China Tiananmen Square

    1989 China Tiananmen Square
    Thousands of Students occupy Tiananmen Square in Beijing China protesting for democracy , Chinese Government Declares martial law and Hundreds of Demonstrators are killed
  • 1989 United States Supreme Court

    1989 United States Supreme Court
    The United States Supreme Court ruled on June 21st that flag burning as a form of political protest is an act of protected speech under the First Amendment to the Constitution.
  • 1989 Denmark same sex couples

    1989 Denmark same sex couples
    The Registered Partnership law is passed in Denmark which grants same sex couples many of the rights and responsibilities of marriage
  • 1989 Cold War Ending

    1989 Cold War Ending
    After 30 years the Cold War between East and West ends following the Malta conference and the Berlin Wall comes down
  • 1990 U.S. Major Recession

    1990 U.S. Major Recession
    The US Enters a Major Recession
  • 1990 The Simpsons

    1990 The Simpsons
    Americas Favorite animated family "The Simpsons " is aired on Fox for the first time
  • 1990 Iran - Manji-Rudbar Earthquake

    1990 Iran - Manji-Rudbar Earthquake
    Iran is hit with a 7.4 magnitude earthquake on June 21st
  • 1990 T-Rex Skeleton

    1990 T-Rex Skeleton
    One of the largest and most well-preserved Tyrannosaurus Rex fossilized skeletons is found by paleontologist Sue Hendrickson near Faith, South Dakota in August of 1990. The skeleton was named “Sue” after the person who discovered it.