What Was D-Day? by Patricia Brennan Demuth

  • Hitler comes to power.

    Hitler comes to power.
    Hitler comes to power.
  • 1939-1943

    The US starts mass producing planes.
  • Blitzkrieg

    Hitler builds an army with the most powerful weapons in the world. This leads to his attack on Poland. This attack, bombing followed by tanks, is called blitzkrieg meaning lightning war.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • June 1940-September 1940

    June 1940-September 1940
    Japan signs a contract with Germany, and they become known as the axis powers.
  • Rescue at Dunkirk

    Rescue at Dunkirk
    Soldiers are trapped at Dunkirk in France and are rescued by civilians in boats who crossed the English Channel, but were forced to leave their supplies behind.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and the US declares war on Japan and all its allies, which includes Germany.
  • 1942

    Hitler orders the construction of the Atlantic wall, a large wall on the beach of the Atlantic ocean.
  • 1943

    General Eisenhower becomes General and sends more troops to Normandy.
  • A Bad Storm

    A Bad Storm
    Soldiers are loaded into ships to go to Normandy, but the bad weather forces them to turn back.
  • Rommel leaves

    Rommel leaves
    D-day was originally meant to be June 5, but it was changed as Rommel left to visit his wife on her birthday, June 6th, so they had a better chance of winning with him not there.
  • Late night on June 5th

    Late night on June 5th
    Thousands of brave paratroopers landed behind enemy lines in the dark, from the largest air fleet in the world.
  • 4:00 am June 6, 1944

    4:00 am June 6, 1944
    Paratroopers rode wooden gliders down and captured major German bridges.
  • 5:00 am on June 6, 1944

    5:00 am on June 6, 1944
    Soldiers are transported across in boats
  • Bloody Omaha

    Bloody Omaha
    The soldiers arrived feeling terrible. The Germans rained fire from bunkers on top of a cliff, capsizing many boats. An explosive shell hit a boat full of explosives, killing all it's men. The Germans used machine guns to fire at the exit ramps, keeping anyone from leaving. The Germans were winning.
  • 7:30 am June 6, 1944

    7:30 am June 6, 1944
    Soon leaders rose up, and the attack started moving again. One of those leaders was Sgt. Moody, who led his soldiers to an area in which they could climb up the cliff face.
  • 9:30 am June 6, 1944

    9:30 am June 6, 1944
    General Cota disregards the rules and runs out to the beach to help fight, inspiring his soldiers to keep fighting.
  • D-Day

    D-Day is the day that the allies invaded Normandy, France to fight the German army at the Atlantic wall. This was the beginning of the end of World War II. The term D-Day is a generic term that means the first day a battle starts. Many thousands of people were killed, but the war ended soon.
  • Within a week of D-Day

    Within a week of D-Day
    After freeing France, the Allies march into Germany, freeing the prisoners in concentration camps.
  • May 7 1945

    May 7 1945
    The Germans surrender as Hitler commited suicide rather than be defeated.