Apr 23, 1564
Birth Date
Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. -
Apr 26, 1564
Baptism After Birth
He was baptised on the third day after his birth. -
Marriage Date
Married Anne Hathaway on this day. -
Edition to Stationers' Register
Special edition to one of Shakespeares plays. -
Shakespeare Published 15 out of the 37 plays
Shakespeare builds theatre
Him and his business partners build a theatre on the south banks of the Thames River. -
Black Death
1000 people died weekly. -
Crowning of King James I
Founder of the KJV bible. -
1558-1603 Reign of Elizabeth I
Death Date
Shakespeare died at the age of 55. The irony of his death was it was on is birthday.