What lead to WW2 1919 - 1934

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles was very harsh on Germany in that there were consequences concerning how much land they were allowed to have as well as other categories. This led to the resentment of France and Britain from Germany which contributed to the uprising of Adolf Hitler
  • Period: to

    Hyperinflation in Germany

    In the 1920's Germany, there was a mass issue of hyperinflation which was a massive problem in Germany's finance and although it was relatively mitigated In 1924, in 1929, loans shrivelled and investments fell and by 1932, there were around 6 million unemployed Germans.
  • Fall of Democratic Government and Rise of the Nazi party

    As so many people were unemployed, the 2 parties in the democratic government disagreed on whether to tax more on the rich to help the unemployed. This collapse led to the rise of the Nazi party and although a lot of the government did not agree with Hitler rising to power, when President Hindenburg gave the invitation, Hitler became Prime Minister