500 BCE
What is a Quinceanera?
Within Spanish based cultures, both genders have a rite of passage during the age of 15. A girl becomes a woman capable of bearing children. A Quinceañera has continued to represent the physical and symbolic passage of a teenage girl into womanhood -
Period: 500 to 500 BCE
Origin of the Tradition
Many different tribes such as the Incas, the Mayas, the Toltec's and the Aztecs contained customs that were held once the individual hit a specific age initiating them to enter adulthood and begin benefiting themselves as well as their tribe. -
Changes over the years
In the 1960's, more Latinos began to come over to the United States, bringing over their national traditions.The average cost of a Quinceanera back in the 60's was $4,000. -
United States
One of the first events of this celebration took place in Texas during the 1980's. Due to the high cost of this event, it was limited to wealthy families only since they were the only ones who could afford it. -
How it has developed over time
Within rural societies, girls are considered ready for marriage once they reach the age off 15. During the 20th century, girls received privileges associated with womanhood such as permission to attend adult parties, getting eyebrows done, wearing makeup, shaving your legs, wearing jewelry and high heels. -
Its Original Purpose
When this tradition first came about, Quinceañeras were a small party to celebrate a girls transition into womanhood. Rich families celebrated Quinceañeras with big parties and big fancy dresses. In South America, rich families announce their daughters Quinceañeras as events in the newspaper to advertise their extravagant celebration. -
In 2015, a traditional Quinceanera costs about $5,000 - $6,000 if one has the accommodation of friends and family with the panning of the event. However, wealthy families who have more extravagant Quinceaneras held at a banquet hall with cake and decorations costs approximately $15,000. -
21st century
Within the 21st century, the celebration has changed a lot.