What Is Imperialism

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  • French occupation of Algeria

    As with most European countries France invaded Algeria for economic gain
  • Start of the First Opium War

    The Opium War was a war between China and Britain over China banning opium causing British exports to China to slow.
  • End of the First Opium War

    The Treaty of Nanking ended the war by giving Hong Kong to Britain.
  • Economy of the UK

    There was a major boost in the economy of the UK during this time due to imperialism.
  • Start of the Taiping rebellion

    A rebellion that was started by the mistreatment from the government.
  • Start of the Second Opium War (Arrow War)

    Chinese officials board a British ship and capture people of Chinese-ethnicity. This was the inciting incident of the war.
  • Start of Sepoy Mutiny

    A rebellion due to the British rule of India
  • British Invasion of India

    Britain during its imperialist phase took over many countries. India was one of these.
  • Suez Canal Construction Start

    The Suez Canal is a canal that separates Egypt from the Middle east, meant to promote trade in that area
  • End of Sepoy Mutiny

    When the Mutiny ended British power pardoned all of the rebels.
  • End of Second Opium War (Arrow War)

    The Second Opium War ended by the Beijing Convention giving up more land.
  • End of the Taiping Rebelion

    The rebels were severely beaten in a failed siege of Beijing ending the rebellion.
  • Start of Meiji Restoration

    The Meiji restoration was a period in Japanese history where there were major reforms to the country and government.
  • Completion of Suez Canal

    The Suez Canal made trade easier improving the world economy
  • The History of Landholding in Ireland/Social Darwinism

    The History of Landholding in Ireland was the first recorded mention of Social Darwinism, an idea that said some races were less advanced than others.
  • The Start of the Berlin Conference

    A meeting of European powers in Berlin
  • British Colonization of Zimbabwe.

    Britain conquered Zimbabwe to gain materials, taking metals and minerals, and giving guns and weapons for them.
  • Fashoda Incident

    A battle caused by a French expedition to Fashoda, Egypt
  • Proposal of Open Door Policy

    The policy to make China open to trade freely with any country.
  • Start of South African War

    One of the most costly wars for Britain, it was between Britain and South africaover a gold mine in South Africa.
  • Poverty and Un-British Rule in India

    An article about the rule of Britain over India and how bad it is for the citizens
  • End of South African War

    Britain won the war by crushing the rebellion, and making a treaty called Peace of Vereeniging.
  • Treaty of Portsmouth

    The treaty ended the Russo-Japanese war by giving Japan control of Korea and part of Southern Manchuria
  • Belgian Take Over of Congo

    Belgian rule of the Congo was one of the most important imperialist events.
  • Japanese Annexation of Korea

    Japanese Annexation of Korea
    The Japanese effectively annexed Korea with the Japan–Korea Treaty.