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Europe and Authoritarian Rule: 1648-1948

  • Period: to

    Technology and Europe

  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    In 1642, a Civil War began in England between the parliament and the monarchy. The parliament sought a democratic government while the monarchy aimed to continue their autocratic rule. This document, written by Nathaniel Crouch in 1649, is a first hand account of the execution of King Charles I. This represents a time where the people began to seek more political power and challenged an authoritarian regime; the important aspect is that this document proves that they were succesful.
  • Battle of Vienna

    Battle of Vienna
    This image depicts King Sobieski of Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth. As King, he led his troops to battle against the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Vienna. This war had occured as the Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire sought to save Vienna from Ottoman Expansion. This painting, by Jerzy Szymonowicz Siemiginowski, depicts the King after being victorious in the Battle of Vienna.
  • Tennis Court Oath, Fall of the Ancien Regime

    Tennis Court Oath, Fall of the Ancien Regime
    The Tennis Court Oath was an agreement made by the Third Estate in France. This event was incredbily important as it marked the first time in French history that the sovereignty of a monarch, specifically King Louis XVI, had been challenged. It marked the beginning of a left-wing movement as well as a challenge against an authoritarian regime.
  • The Assembly at Frankfurt by Frederick Engels

    The Assembly at Frankfurt by Frederick Engels
    This document, written by one of the fathers of Marxism Fredrick Engels, depicts the events of German Unification after the 1848 revolution in Prussia. It is significant as it outlines the convention of the National Assembly and explores the event from someone who was very supportive of the political shift leftward in Prussia.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    Leon Trotsky was a Marxist political leader that was crucial in the overthrow of the Russian Empire. He wrote a book, known as the History of the Russian Revolution, that is particularily influential because it represents the sentiments of the revolutionaries that took down the Russian Empire. The people wanted to be free from oppresion and live in a Marxist society rather than under a authoriatarian empire.
  • Radio Speech: Blood is Holy by Dr. Walter Gross

    Radio Speech: Blood is Holy by Dr. Walter Gross
    This radio speech, delivered by the hea of the Nazi Party’s Racial Policy Office, Dr. Walter Gross, was designed to justify the racist aspects of National Socialist policy. The radio broadcast is significant because it was specifically targeted the youth in order to promote the value of Nazism. Through targeting a young audience, the National Socialist Party hoped to reform people's political belief system in order to gain support for their authoritarian and totalitarian government.