Japanese officials contact President Harry Truman about a truce
6 years into World War 2 JApan decided they did not want to face the United States retalliation because that casualties would be too high. Japan surrenders and calls Truman -
Truman decides not to drop "Little Boy" on Hiroshima
Because the Japanese surrendered Truman decides to call an armistice. There is no reason to drop a bomb on a country that has surrnedered, it could the start of a Japanese American war instead of the end of World War 2. -
Japanese American confrence held in Brazil
Congress and Japanese officials meet in neutral country of Brazil to settle diffrences and discuss where Japan and the United States stand -
Japanese American peace treaty signed
After 4 days in the confrence, Truman decides that having Japan as an ally would be useful -
Truman tells the public about the atomic bob
The United States citizens were suprised that Truman had kept such a secret, but he assured the citizens that the United States will not use the atomic bomb on any country. -
Japan and the United States team up for space race
Since Japan and the United States are now allies, Truman decides to contact the Japanese officials for help with the space race. The Japanese would be the United States' secret weapon. -
Start of Cold War between United Sates and U.S.S.R
truman did not like Joe Stalin, because of their rivalry came the Cold War. It was not a war about weapons but races to see who can make the best appliances faster -
Dwight Eisenhower elected for president
Dwight Eisenhower takes over the office and is determined to win the space race agaist the U.S.S.R -
America leads the space race sending explorer 1 into space
Explorer 1 with the help from the Japanese was sent into space way before planned, it was origanally going to be sent up february 1 1958, but that was the estimated date without help from the Japanese -
First Man on the Moon
Neil Armstrong made it to the moon, save, placing the United States flag, the United States won the space race and ultimatley the Cold War.