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What I learned in 8th grade History 2020-21

  • Period: 5000 BCE to

    8th grade History

  • 4500 BCE

    Creation of Universe

    Creation of Universe
    God spoke and the universe was created!!! Adam & Eve created on Day 6.
  • 2200 BCE

    Tower of Babel

    Tower of Babel
    God scattered people around the world and created different languages.
  • 1850 BCE

    Migration of Native Americans over Beringia

    Migration of Native Americans over Beringia
    Native Americans entered North Americans across Beringia to seek food, shelter, and clothing.
  • 1 CE

    Jesus born

    Jesus born
    Jesus Christ was born to save the world.
  • 1000

    Leif Erikkson lands in North America

    Leif Erikkson lands in North America
    Viking explorer named Lief Erikkson landed in Vinland which is modern-day Greenland but did not settle permentanely and returned to Norway.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in the Americas

    Christopher Columbus lands in the Americas
    Italian Explorer Christopher Columbus sails across the Atlantic Ocean looking for Asia. He lands in the Americas (San Salvador) and declares the island for Spain. He thought he was in India and he named the people Indians. Spanish empire was in search of God, Glory, and Gold.
  • Lost City of Roanoke

    Lost City of Roanoke
    First attempt to settle America by English. Leader John White leaves to go back to England for supplies. he returns 3 years later and all colonist have disappeared. Still a Mystery as to what happened to them.
  • Jamestown Settlement

    Jamestown Settlement
    1st English permanent settlement in the New World. John Smith, Pocahontas, John Rolfe-major part of settlement. Starving TIme in 1609 winter. Indians helped settlement survive.
  • 13 Colonies

    13 Colonies
    13 English Colonies established from 1607 (Virginia) to 1732 (Georgia).
  • Mayflower lands in Plymouth, MA

    Mayflower lands in Plymouth, MA
    102 passengers on the Mayflower land at Cape Cod, MA. 41 Pilgram men sign Mayflower Compact before leaving ship. Pilgrims welcomed by Indians. Celebrate Fall Harvest in 1621, later to be called Thanksgiving.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    Fought between 1754-1763 between French and Indians against the British. Started war over the Ohio River Valley region. British won the war on the French were ran out of North America. Colonists taxed to help pay for the war.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    5 colonists died from shooting by British Soldiers. Famous engraving used as propaganda for rest of American colonists,
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Sons of Liberty dump 342 of British Tea into Boston Harbor. King George angry and enacts the Intolerable Acts
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord, MA

    Battles of Lexington and Concord, MA
    Paul Revere's ride warns the Colonists that the British are coming. 1st Battle of the American Revolutionary War takes place at Lexington, MA. "Shot heard around the world" Colonist lose at Lexington but win at Concord.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    1st Major battle of the war fought between the Cont. Army and British Army. Actually fought on Breeds Hill in Boston. British won but moral victory for the Cont. Army.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Expresses the Ideals of our natural rights, life, liberty, and happiness on which the US is founded. Lays out the reasons for separation from Great Britain. Main author is Thomas Jefferson.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    Turning point of the Revolution.
  • Winter at Valley Forge, PA

    Winter at Valley Forge, PA
    Dec. 1777 - May 1778 Cont. army starve freeze, disease, death during winter. Troops trained by Von Stueben and Lafayette helps finance the troops.
  • Articles of Confederation ratified

    Articles of Confederation ratified
    1st written Constitution of the newly formed United States of America
  • Cornwallis surrenders Yorktown

    Cornwallis surrenders Yorktown
    British surrender at Yorktown, VA officially ending the American Revolutionary War.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Group of angry Massachusetts farmers rebel against taxes. Weak state militia and no federal army help. Proved we needed a stronger government.
  • Constitution Signed

    Constitution Signed
    Articles of Confederation thrown out. new Constitution created and signed by delegates. Permanent governing document broken into 7 articles.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    1st 10 amendments added to the Constitution. Lists the freedoms of Americans.
  • Election of 1800: Jefferson v. Adams

    Election of 1800: Jefferson v. Adams
    1st tie for presidential election. Tie broke by Alexander Hamilton and Jefferson wins. 12th amendment created shortly after