What i have observed during a week

  • My house

    My house
    My mother was cleaning the bathroom while my brother was cleaning the house
  • At home and outside

    At home and outside
    Melina was shopping while me was having a shower
  • On a birthday

    On a birthday
    My father was dancing when the music stopped
  • My house

    My house
    I was in the house when my mother called
  • At my friend's house

    At my friend's house
    I was doing my lunch while i was playing video games
  • My house

    My house
    My cousin was at home when i arrived
  • My house

    My house
    They were playing video games while i was reading a book
  • My house

    My house
    I was studying when the novel started
  • My house

    My house
    While i was walking to house, it started to rain
  • My house

    I was making dinner when the car arrived