Bauchi mask

what happened in 1999 through now

  • birth of austin lauck

    birth of austin lauck
    born on febauary 14,1999
    born in spring vally IL to donna lauck and gordon lauck
  • hurricane michal

    hurricane michal
    in the east coast and destroyed it
  • 911

    happened in New York . 3,000 people diedb
  • niu

    shootings 5 shot dead
  • westclox fire

    westclox fire
    two teenagers got scharged for it
  • gangnam style psy

    gangnam style psy
    got a million veiws on youtube
  • super storm sandy

    super storm sandy
    destroyed newyork
  • black ops

    black ops
    top grosing video game
  • black ops 2

    black ops 2
    had highest grosing video game
  • sandy hook

    sandy hook
    gun man shot kids in school
  • hurricane issac

    hurricane issac
    desroyed louisisiana