Period: 1250 to
Aug 21, 1415
Rise of Portuguese Empire
the rise of the Portuguese empire monarchy; Overseas empire. Indian Spice trade monopoly -
Printing Press
The first printing press was created making the ease of making books and text easier, it was also used by the church to make and sell indulgences -
Oct 19, 1469
The marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand.
The marriage between Isabella and Ferdinand, October 19th 1469. This united Spain and influence it to become what it is today. -
The Army of Spain retakes Granada.
The army of Ferdinand and Isabella besieges and takes the city of Granada, completing the long reconquest of Spain from the Muslims. -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher sets Sail to the west
Christopher Columbus sets Sail with his two brothers on August 3 1492 -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus First Voyage
The first voyage of Christopher in the name of Spain where he found the Bahamas, his crew included 3 ship with 90 men -
Christopher Columbus Returned From the new world to spain
After his first voyage from the Americas (India to his knowledge) he presented King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I items from the voyage such as Gold, exotic items, and some of the natives that live in the Caribbean which eventually let him get another sponsored voyage . -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther's 95 theses
German Priest Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the Schlosskirche which was considered the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.