WH Q2 SPICE 1450-1750

  • Period: 1250 to


  • Aug 21, 1415

    Rise of Portuguese Empire

    the rise of the Portuguese empire monarchy; Overseas empire. Indian Spice trade monopoly
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    The first printing press was created making the ease of making books and text easier, it was also used by the church to make and sell indulgences
  • Oct 19, 1469

    The marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand.

    The marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand.
    The marriage between Isabella and Ferdinand, October 19th 1469. This united Spain and influence it to become what it is today.
  • 1492

    The Army of Spain retakes Granada.

    The Army of Spain retakes Granada.
    The army of Ferdinand and Isabella besieges and takes the city of Granada, completing the long reconquest of Spain from the Muslims.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher sets Sail to the west

    Christopher sets Sail to the west
    Christopher Columbus sets Sail with his two brothers on August 3 1492
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus First Voyage

    The first voyage of Christopher in the name of Spain where he found the Bahamas, his crew included 3 ship with 90 men
  • 1493

    Christopher Columbus Returned From the new world to spain

    After his first voyage from the Americas (India to his knowledge) he presented King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I items from the voyage such as Gold, exotic items, and some of the natives that live in the Caribbean which eventually let him get another sponsored voyage .
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther's 95 theses

    Martin Luther's 95 theses
    German Priest Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the Schlosskirche which was considered the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.