Westward movement

  • Move To America

    Move To America
    Hello my name is Timothy Lombardi, I decided to move over from Italy to get a better job and a new life. I was 25 when I came over. Most of my family was dead and I didn't like the jobs back in Italy because of this I have decided to move to America!
  • Period: to

    Industrialzation and Immigration

    Some problems that accured during that time period are the industry took over some people's jobs and this hurt them, Immigration was good for America because the culture and religions that they brought over.
  • Arrival

    The trip was long and hard. I remember it took me a long time to get there because of the Steerage Act. This act stated that there could only be so many passengers on one trip over to America. When I got there I remember I needed a long rest.
  • Job Hunting

    Job Hunting
    I had been looking for a job for a couple days. I had noticed that not all that many people even offer jobs to Immigrants. I didn't know why either at the time I thought, "we do just as much work if not more." I thought.
  • Found a Job

    Found a Job
    I found a job finally it took me a couple of days. The job was no fun and the pay was very little. I was just a baker’s assistant. I remember it was just barely enough to get by. Life was very hard back then.

    It was a week or two after I started working I believe, it was just another day and I saw this man running down the road of course I didn't think much of it I lived in Boston. There was something odd about him though, I stopped him he tried to push past me. When he did that I grabbed him. A few minutes later the cops came and arrested him. Turned out he was a robber. They made me a cop after that and it was a good day.
  • Theres a new Cop in these Parts

    Theres a new Cop in these Parts
    At that time I became the new cop of the town I helped people around town stopped criminals, and was known around town as an overall good guy, life was good.
  • My Life

    My Life
    In only 2 years I have become a baker and sheriff an unliked man, and a liked man. I have stopped criminals, helped people and started a new life for myself. Hopefully this will go on for a long time.