Period: to
tammany hall &boss tweed
using irish immirgants for votes tammany hall gained power with poilications and the pepole t-h would then help lr imm getjobs pay rent americanization movements t-h offered votes for bibs and constriction -
boss tweed
rose to the top of his positon in his organization and farmed the tweed ring which openly bought votes and encourged the judical systemhe died in prison in 1878 -
home stead
the home stead act encouraged western migration by providing land the only requirement were to pay a small filling fee and living there for five in a row this settlement affected the native american by taking their land and killing their tribe when they arrived they found little rainfall few trade -
Period: to
cattle drive era
cattle drives trails started in texas went northward and ended in kansas colorada wymoing nebraska and missouri serve winters and summer killed millions of cattle cattle were shipped to chicago to be slaughtered bc of high population demand trains & barbwire ended open range -
Period: to
labor unions rise
safer working conditins
shorter work days
weekend time off
end child labor
strike violation
american federatioin of labor -
Period: to
sherman anti trust act
laisse farie goverment was hands off on the businesses
goverment should not inerfer in the operations of thfree market
fedreal law aimed at shopping monoplies from engaging in unfair practices
standard oil was the 1st monoply the goverment -
morse code
the telegraph allowed pepole to cummincate across great distances
the new technogies telelgraph led to was machines cellphones phones genarel route that these lines followed was next to the railroads bc they would have essay acces to work on them -
Period: to
gilded age and westward expansion
gilded age he meant that the period was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath.
this time period is characterized by economic growth widespread poverty westward expansion and political corruption -
hull house opening
purpose aiding american assilamtion "americanization" teaching english english and am cultrue help imagratins find jobs and education founded and lead by two women by jane addams ellens starr in chicago il