westward expansion

By LT_345
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    Louisiana purchase

    It was the western half of the Mississippi river basin purchased in 1803 from France by the United States for about 3 cents a acre for 828,000 square miles. It was known as the greatest land bargain in U.S History. Greatly strengthened the country materially and strategically. Provided powerful impetus towards the westward expansion.
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    Lewis&Clark expedition

    A U.S military expedition led by captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieut and William Clark explored the Louisiana purchase and the Pacific Northwest. it was a major role in the chapters of the history of American exploration it was a 8,000 miles journey.
  • the Indian removal act

    the Indian removal act
    was a act signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830 it authorized the president too grant lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within the state borders a few of the Indian tribes went peacefully but many of the tribes resisted the policy the Cherokees were forced out of there land by the U.S government and 4,000 of them died on this trail and it became known as the trail of tears .
  • the amistad case

    the amistad case
    Portuguese slave hunters abducted thousands of African Americans from sierra Leone and shipped them off to Havana Cuba a center for slave trade it violated all the treaties at the time that were placed the supreme court decided in favor of the African Americans saying that they are free individuals. the court ordered the immediate release of the amistad African Americans 35 survived and got home the rest passed away .
  • Webster-ashburton treaty

    Webster-ashburton treaty
    Webster and ashburton agreed on a division of disputed land and territory giving 7,015 square miles to the United States and 5,012 to great Britain and agreed on a boundary line through the great lakes to the lake of the woods also agreed on provisions for open navigation in several bodies of water .
  • Great migration and the Oregon trail

    Great migration and the Oregon trail
    1,000 people joined together to Traverse the Oregon trail a wagon trail and required going over the rocky mountains they began in Independence Missouri and made it all the way too Oregon at the time had belonged too England it was 2,000 mile long journey and was a success many people settled in the new area and were followed by thousands of more people over the next on coming years
  • Seneca falls convention

    Seneca falls convention
    was the first woman's rights convention held in the United States it took place on July 19th in 1848 In Seneca falls New York it was organized by Elizabeth and Lucretia the convention was for the social and civil and religious rights of women.The outcome was the declaration of sentiments it was made after the declaration of independence.
  • Mexican American war

    Mexican American war
    the Mexican American war was a conflict between the United States and mexico it took place in 1846 to 1848 the war started because of the annexation of Texas by the U.S in 1845 and the disputes over the border between Texas and mexico president James Polk was a strong person of the westward expansion and he wanted too acquire California and other Mexican territories
  • bleeding Kansas

    bleeding Kansas
    bleeding Kansas was a violent political confrontations in the United States it started in 1854 and 1859 including free states and slave states. The conflict emerged from a debate over whether Kansas should enter the union as a free or a slave state following the Kansas Nebraska act in 1854 which allowed the settlers of a territory to decide the issue of slavery by popular sovereignty .
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Kansas Nebraska act
    was a piece of legislation passed by the U.S congress in 1854 it created new territories of Kansas and Nebraska and allowed settlers in these new territories to determine through popular sovereignty whether they would allow slavery within their boundaries or not it repealed the Missouri compromise of 1820 which was to prohibit slavery north of the 30th parallel.