Westward Expansion

By lwachal
  • The Indian Removal act

    The Indian Removal act
    This act moved the Indians west of the Mississippi river. More than 60,000 Native Americans from 18 tribes were forced to move west to new land, some tribes settled in Oklahoma and others in Kansas. Because of the harsh conditions that they were forced to travel in many of them got very sick and died.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    The Battle of Alamo was a big part of the Texas Revolution. The Mexican government would bring 1,500 troups to try and retake Texas. The Texian army fought hard and need reinforcements before defeating the Mexican army on April 21, 1836.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail was a 2,170 mile tripe from Missouri to Oregon. people would go on this journey in search of new economic opportunities, better land, with some being driven by the chance at finding gold. The only way to travel this distance was by foot or horse. This was a very dangers trip a lot of the travelers ended up getting diseases and dieing. Although this was a risky way to find new opportunities for these people all they needed was the thought of their American Dream coming true.
  • Election of James K Polk

    Election of James K Polk
    James K Polk really pushed the westward expansion by advocating for the adding of Texas and the Oregon Territory. although he was a reason for the Mexican American War he had a vision of the Manifest dynasty and worked his hardest to make it happen.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    The Manifest Destiny was all about Americans believing that they have the god given right to have the entire North American continent as the US this lead to a lot of conflict and sometimes war. They had to kick many Native Americans out of the land that they founded leading to the Americans spending a lot of money and making a to of questionable decisions.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    This war was over the land of Texas and New Mexico and California areas in search of completing the Manifest Destiny.
  • Oregon treaty

    Oregon treaty
    The Oregon treaty solidified US clam of the Pacific Northwest, and going with the idea of "Manifest Destiny". The US claiming Oregon goes with the Oregon trail and all the people that traveled here for a a new beginning.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Gold was discovered in California in 1848 the new of gold brought 300,000 people to California from all over the United States. Because of this many indigenous societies were pushed off their land by the people coming in in search of gold. Because of al these people coming for gold the population grew rapidly leading to new economic development.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 allowed California to become a free state and made a border between California and Texas.
  • The Pony Express

    The Pony Express
    The Pony Express provides a faster way for people to travel from the East and West Coasts. Connecting California to the rest of the nation