Westward Expansion

  • Fugitive Slave Act 1

    Fugitive Slave Act 1
    This is an act that was put in place that made sure runaway slaved were sent back to their owners if they ran away.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson sent James Monroe to France to negotiate buying New Orleans. Napoleon did not need the land anymore, but need more money to go to war with Britain. France then sold the US the land for $15 million. The size of the United States nearly doubled over night for a price of $0.03/acre.
  • Acquisition of Florida- Treaty of Adam-Onis

    Acquisition of Florida- Treaty of Adam-Onis
    Spain owned the Florida territory. There were slaves that were escaping into the territory from Georgia. There were also Seminoles raiding land in Georgia. To fix this, the US sent Andrew Jackson to man the border. He instead invaded Florida. In the end, Monroe sent the message “govern or get out.” Spain decided to get out and we settled Florida territory.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This is when Missouri and Maine were added to the U.S. Because Missouri was a slave state and Maine was a free state, Missouri had to change to be a free state.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Andrew Jackson ignored the orders of a treaty with the Cherokee. U.S. troops rounded up about 15,000 Cherokee and put them in prison camps. Local residents burned the native’s homes. Troops then sent the Cherokee west in groups of about 1,000 on a path known now as the Trail of Tears.