Western Religions Timeline Project

By hoses20
  • 1500 BCE

    When Judaism Began

    Hebrews escaped from slavery
  • 1350 BCE

    Moses Death

    Moses was the age of 120
  • 1312 BCE

    Torah was written

    Moses wrote the Torah
  • 1260 BCE

    Moses receives 10 commandments

    God gave Moses the 10 commandments
  • Period: 656 BCE to 100

    The tales of the life and works of jesus was composed

  • 551 BCE

    Confucianism Began

    Confucius was born
  • Period: 6 BCE to 4 BCE

    Jesus was born

  • 29

    Jesus was Crucified

  • 70

    The temple of Jerusalem fell

  • 202

    Romans banned Christianity

  • 337

    Christianity became an official religion of Roman Empire

  • 571

    Muhammad was born

  • 600

    Islam Starts

  • 610

    Quran Revealed to Muhammad in vision

  • 632

    Islam splits into 2 main parts

    Sunni and Shia