Western Influence on Japan

  • Television And Food

    In 1890 the Western Culture, influenced Japan with social aspects such as music, television and food.
  • Western clothing

    In 1890 the Wetserns influenced the Japanese people to start wearing western clothing. After the World War I.
  • Coffee shops

    In 1890 coffee shops in Japan were created, influenced by the Western culture.
  • Classical music

    In 1890, classical music was brought from the West and introduced it to Japan.
  • New introductions in Japan.

    After the Meiji Consititution started beer was introduced, beefsteak and baseball were all introduced by the Westerns.
  • More introductions by the Westerns.

    In 1890, banking systems, schools, and governments were introduced by the Westerns.
  • Meiji Constitution

    Hair was re-styled for both men and women, new fashion was introduced.
  • Fast food restaurants

    In 1945 the Western influences brought a chain of fast food restaurants to Japan.
  • Skateboarding and Rollerskating arenas

    In 1950 the Westerns influenced the Japanese, to create skateboarding and rollerskating arenas for kids to go to have fun.