Western Farmers

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture was created

    U.S. Department of Agriculture was created to help give farmers advice on how to grow a better farm.
  • Railroads built in the west

    four rail lines were built across the west
  • chinese man makes $9,500 from farming

    a chinese man made $9,500 from farming. that was alot of money for back then
  • withdraw federal troops

    federal troops from the south withdrawed
  • african americans flee the east

    many african americans fled the east because of violence during eletions
  • kansas fever

    biggest departure of african americans to kansas
  • chinese imigrants turn to farming

    chinese immigrants that cam to california becasue of the gold rush turn to farming
  • announciation of land in the west

    president harrison announces that land in the west was free for the first takers
  • people move to Oklahoma

    settlers respond to the a government offer of land in Oklahoma
  • bonanza fams are broken up

    bonanza farms are broken down into smaller farms