Homestead act,Pacific railway act and the Morill act
Repubicans passed a series of acts in 1862 to turn public lands into private property.(Homstead,Pacific Railway,and the Morill acts) -
U.S. Deparment of Agriculture
The U.S. department of argriculture was created to helpfarmers adapt to thier enviroment. -
Built railroads from east to west -
Moving west
People went west ward after the war, mainly white Americans from the east,former slaves, and imagrants from foreing countries. -
Kansas Fever
mass exodus of black settlers fled for freedom -
The people that went to California for the goldrush bega farming -
Homestead act
President Ben Harrison announsed land will be avalable to the first takers, the land was taken from the indians -
Bonanza farms
Companie owned large scale farms -
New farm equipment
helped the plains farmers.made the small farmers go into debt when they bought the eqipment neccesary to compete with larger land holders -
Willa Cather
published OOOO Pioneers