Period: 500 to 1500
The Middle Ages
Also Know as the medieval time this event started with the fall of the Roman Empire.Soon it combined with the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. -
Period: 1095 to 1291
The crusades was military campaigns during the Middle ages. -
Period: 1300 to
The Renaissance
One of the main reasons why Italy was the center of the Renaissance was wealth, power, and intellect in the Church -
Period: 1517 to
protestant reformation
The protestant reformation was a European movement by Christians.This was led by Martin Luther King -
Period: to
Age of Enlightenment
The Age of Enlightenment was what inspired the French Revolution .It officially started after the French revolution -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution started in great Britain.On of the causes was the Agricultural Revolution. -
French Revolution
The french revolution was a time where the people of France overthrew monarchy and their government.The French was fighting against Austria and other European nations -
WWI Started because of M.A.I.N. Militarism,Alliances,Imperialism,and Nationalism.Militarism being the main cause -
Main cause being the treaty of Versailles.This is because of the outcome it had on Germany -
Period: to
Cold War
The Cold War was a war between the communist Soviet Union against the United States.NATO helped prevent the Cold War from becoming to extreme -
Also know as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.This was the first peacetime military alliance -
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw pact was created by the Soviet Union to balance NATO.This was also a sign of Communist dominance -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Communist East German built a wall that surrounded all of West Berlin during the cold war .The Fall of the Berlin wall was for the people in GDR to be free to cross the country's borders. -
Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union collapsed due to the loss of control of its people .Another reason is Gorbachev resigned his post as president. -
Creation of the European Union
The Creation of the European Union was started to end wars between neighbors. -
Fall of the Roman Empire
One of the main cause of the fall of the Roman Empire was the Barbarian Invasion.This was the last event that made the Roman Empire falll