Western Civilization

  • 3000 BCE

    Mesopotamians create cuneiform

    Mesopotamians create cuneiform
    One of the first writing systems was created by the Mesopotamians around 3000 BC. It was used for record-keeping which is an essential part of history. It eventually developed into literature.
  • 3000 BCE

    Bronze age begins

    Bronze age begins
    The Bronze Age held a lot of important advancements in civilization. Some of these include long-distance trade and diplomatic exchanges. Civilization was able to spread and thrive. The crafting of bronze was a huge advancement in war and agriculture. They had better weapons and tools to use to develop their civilizations.
  • 2340 BCE

    World's First Empire

    World's First Empire
    In this year, Sargon the Great conquered almost all of the major Mesopotamian cities, making the first known empire. He also created the world's first army.
  • 2112 BCE

    First complex system of bureaucracy

    First complex system of bureaucracy
    Ur III ruled the Mesopotamian empire after Sargon. His complex system of bureaucracy was extremely successful in managing such a large group of people. This allowed cities to grow and develop. It also helped bring wealth through tax bureaucracy.
  • 2000 BCE

    Judaism emerges

    Judaism emerges
    Around the year 2000 BC, Abraham made a covenant with God, making Hebrews his "chosen people". This started the religion of Judaism, one of the first monotheistic religions in the world.
  • 1780 BCE

    Hammurabi's Code of Laws

    Hammurabi's Code of Laws
    Hammurabi's laws stated the rights and obligations of the Babylonians. It was a great advancement in organization and government. It includes a lot of laws to protect people and tried to make things fair.
  • 1650 BCE

    Hyskos introduce bronze

    Hyskos introduce bronze
    In the year 1650, the Hyskos seized lower Egypt. Originally their tools were made of copper or stone. The Hyskos introduced bronze which was harder and more durable than copper. The Egyptians' power grew immensely now that they had bronze tools and more advanced weapons. Although Bronze had been around for awhile, this was the first time it had been introduced to the Egyptians.
  • 1300 BCE

    Phoenicians develop syllabic alphabet

    Phoenicians develop syllabic alphabet
    When the Phoenicians developed the syllabic alphabet, more people could become literate. This alphabet focused on sounds and was easier to learn. Scribes were no longer needed and more places adopted this alphabet.
  • 1100 BCE

    Iron age begins

    Iron age begins
    During the Iron Age, lots of prosperous societies emerged. While Iron at the time took a long time to spread. It revolutionized tools and weaponry. Trade routs reemerged during this time and led to huge empires.
  • 650 BCE

    First coins are made

    First coins are made
    The Lydians came up with using clumps of gold and silver as coins, called shekels. Having currency revolutionized economics. Trading made it hard to travel, so with shekels = merchants could travel far to buy things easier. Tax collection also became more efficient.