Period: to
Benjamin Disraeli
British Prime Minister -
Nazi Germany invades Poland
First use of blitzkrieg, use of well trained troops, tanks, and the german airforce (the Luftwaffe) made it impossible for the Polish army to perserve. -
Period: to
George Clemenceau
French representative at the Peace Talks in Versailles. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japan, Germany's ally, bombed the naval base at pearl harbor.
prior to the bombing, The Lend-Lease acts were passed to help Britain and Canada fight the Germans. an undelcared naval war was waged between Germany and the US.
The US waged war on Japan after it bombed Pearl Harbor, Hitler declared war on the US after the US declared war on Japan. -
Period: to
Emmeline Pankhurst
Women's sufferage leader and radical -
Period: to
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Assasinated by Serbian Nationals, escalating into a war of alliances. -
Period: to
David Lloyd George
British Representative at the Versaille Peace talks -
Period: to
Neville Chamberline
British Prime Minister. Allowed Hitler to take over parts of czechoslovakia. Promised peace. -
Period: to
Vladimir Lenin
Russia Soviet and Bolshevik leader who had been exiled to Switzerland. He was helped back into Russia by the Germans. Work with Leon Trotsky to overthrow the provisional government and set up a soviet regime.
Had over 200,000 Russians killed by the Cheka (Secret Police) -
Period: to
Leon Trotsky
Organizer and planner for Lenin's schemes -
Period: to
Joseph Stalin
Soviet leader who took power after Lenin by upholding his ideas. Was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. centralized the russian economy and cut outsourcing completely. Promoted Nationalism and increased birthrates. -
Period: to
Pablo Picasso
Best known cubist painter -
Period: to
Eamon de Valera
Irish Nationalist and leader of the Irish Republican Army -
Period: to
Benito Mussolini
Facist leader (called Il Duce, "The Leader") in Italy.
Italian Fascist party gained power after the deadlock between the socialist party ad the catholic popular party. They claimed to be anticommunist, were fiercely nationalisitic, and believed violence and war was cleansing.
Mussolini formed the facist part in 1919. Organized his ascent to power by appointment. -
Period: to
Marshal Tito
Uniting leader of Yugoslavia, which quickly dissolved into the respective ethinc group-countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Serbia. The Serbians began an ethnic cleanse, led by Slobodan Milosevic, killing and exiloing muslims. -
Period: to
Wilfred Owen
British Poet/Soldier who wrote about life in the trenches.
"Dulce et Decorum Est"
Killed in Battle -
Period: to
Nikita Krushchev
Soviet Leader for much of the Cold War -
The Dreyfus Affair
Revealed deepset antisemitism in Europe.
Alfred Dreyfus was accused of selling military secrets, was only exonerated after Emile Zola wrote his essay "J' Accuse" (I accuse) -
Period: to
Heinrich Himmler
Leader of the Nazi SS and holocaust. Order the executions of millions of Jews, poles, gypsies, Jewish sympathizers, the disabled, and soviets. -
Period: to
George Orwell
Political and satirical novelist. Works incled 1984 and Animal Farm -
Russo Japanese War
First European loss to an Asian country -
Austria Declares War on Serbia
Following the assasination fo Franz Ferdinand. -
Germania Declares War on Russia
Following Russia's declaration of war on Austria -
Germany Invades Belgium
Violating the Nuetrality of Belgium -
Period: to
World War I
around 8 million men dead, with a total of over 37 million casualties. -
Germany declares War on France
Britain declares war on Germany
In defense of Belgium -
Sinking of the Lusitania
A result of the German's 'unrestricted submarine warfare'
Killed 1200 people inc. 128 US citizens.
Events like this caused the involvement of the US in the war. -
Battle of the Somme
Typified trench warfare, with 60,000 British casualties in one morning. -
Zimmerman Telegram
A telegram from Germany to Mexico promising an alliance if the US should go to war with Germany. Outraged the US citizenry and caused the full fledged involvement in the war. -
Nicholas II abdicates due to revolts
Following the loss of two wars and starvation. The people revolted and the soldiers joined them. the Tsar abdicated and th provisional government was put in place. -
Treaty of Versailles
Humiliated and economically devestated Germany. Cost approximately 38.85 billion US 2013 dollars.
Germany lost all colonies, and was placed with a limited army with no artillery or aircraft. They also lost much of the use of their coal fields for fifteen years. -
Women gained the vote in GB
Brest-Livosk Treaty
Russia surrendered Western territory (inc. Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland) to Germany. -
Women gained the vote in France
Third International
aka comintern
Produced 21 conditions for communism.
Among these was the rejection of all forms that instituded communism gradually. -
Women gained the vote in US
Ireland becomes the Irish Free State
Independence was agreed to in 1914, but the war slowed its implementation. Divided loyalties in the Irish population causes conflict to this day. -
Black Shirt March
Fascist supporters marched on Rome. Mossolinin appointed prime minister, and the next year the fascists took over the government and outlawed all other parties. -
Lateran Pact
Mussolini Recognized and gave priviledges to the Catholic Church, so that the church would give him political support and credence. -
Period: to
The Great Depression
A world-wide econmoic depression. -
Italy invades Ethiopia
Mussolini was trying to recreate the Roman empire.
Showed the ruthlessness of modern war (bombing of civilian targets). Showed the weakness of the League of Nations, precursor to the United Nations. Giving Hitler free reign. -
Germany invades the Rhineland
Germany occupies Austria
Thus ending all semblance of respect for the Versailles treaty.
The union of the two countries was reffered to as "Anschluss" (meaning "joining")
Also claimed the German speaking portions of Czechoslovakia -
Period: to
World War II
Period: to
The Phony War
A false pretense of peace. The calm before the storm. -
Hitler invades Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, and France
In a span of less than two months most of contential Europe was under Nazi control.
France was governed by the Vichy Regime, a government orchestrated by the Nazis
Rescue at Dunkirk -
Atlantic CHarter
The origins of the United Nations, drawn up by FDR and Churchill.
US would have power to disarm aggressor nations, and UN headquarters would be in New York -
German invasion of Russia
Major losses on both sides, major atrocities on both sides. -
Battle of El Alamein
kept the suez canal in the Allie's hands and weakend Germany's international power. -
Bretton Woods Agreement
Made the USD the world's reserve currency. -
Invasion of the beach at Normandy, major losses, but ultimately turned the tide of the war. -
Battle of the Bulge
The Germans forced a retreat in Belgium, causing a 'bulge' in the Allie's defenses. By Early january, the Germans were being pushed back again. -
Period: to
The Cold War
Struggle between the world's two major powers, the US and its allies and USSR and its allies. Those alligned with neither side were called third world countries.
Berlin division and BErlin Wall -
V-E Day
The last of the German armies surrendered unconditionally. -
The US drops a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima to force a Japanese surrender. Which only works after a second nuclear bomb is ordered to be dropped on Nagasaki -
Truman Doctrine outlined
"I believe it must be the Policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." -
Berlin Airlift
The flights of supplies to West Berlin. Supplied up to 13K tons of supplies daily. Resulted in the Soviets 'backing off,' the first economic victory for the Allies. -
Period: to
The Marshall Plan is in effect
AKA European Recovery Program.
It tried to stop/slow the spread of communism by providing economic assistance (in the form of more than $12billion) to Eastern European Nations to rebuild their infrastructure. -
Ireland declares its independance
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Formed
NATO was formed as a largely military alliance. Comprised of the US, GB, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Iceland, Norway, Canada, and Western Germany. After the Cold war many Warsaw Pact members joined NATO. -
UN Authorizes conflict with North Korea
Ant-communist move designed to decrease long term war movements. Led mainly by the US, but combatants from GB, Turkey, Australia and other nations. -
Period: to
Korean War
Armistice ended the war in a stalemate. The armistice line is one of the most heavily militarized zones in the world. -
Warsaw Pact
The smaller eastern european communist states, including Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria, would be controlled by the Soviets. Created partially in response to NATO -
Sputnik launched
First sattelite launched into space.
Won by the soviets. -
Berlin Wall Erected
built by the soviets to keep eastern Germans in Eastern Germany. Most well known security check point was called Checkpoint Charlie. -
Cuban Missle Crisis.
The period when the powers were closes to war. Nuclear missles were being produced in Cuba, leading to a tipping point that was barely avoided. -
Period: to
Vietnam War
French Indochina was falling rapidly to Communist insurgents. The Domino Theory stated that if Vietnam fell, much of Southeastern Asia would follow. After nine years of bloody and unproductive war, and major domestic unrest, the US pulled out. -
Brezhnev Doctrine
Articulated by Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev. Soviets reserved to themselves the right to interfeare in the domestic politics of communist nations. Led to the Soviet-Afghan War, which sapped Soviet moral much in the same way the Vietnam war sapped US moral -
Moon Landing
Niel Armstrong was the first human being to set foot on the moon.
US victory. -
Operation Desert Storm
US Invasion of Iraq, AKA the Gulf War -
Period: to
Boris Yeltsin Leads Post-Soviet Russia
Large economic and social problems as the country tries to adapt from communism. -
Dayton Accord
Tried to settle the unrest in the Balkans by creating the Bosnian state and maintaining a permanent NATO military prescence in the Balkans. -
The Two Towers Terrorist attacks
Large scale terrorist attacks on the US. Originated from Osama Bin Laden's terrorist network, AlQaeda.
Brought the US and Russia together in a war against extremist Muslim terrorism -
US invades Iraq
prompted by the annexation of Kuwait and 9-11. Was internationally an unpopular move, despite suspicions of WMDs in the hands of anti-american despot Sadam Hussein.