Western Civ

  • 3500 BCE

    Wheel is Created

    The wheel is used in Mesopotamia, modern day Iraq.
  • 3100 BCE

    Work begins on Stonehenge in England

    Some of the stones came from 240 miles away, the Preseli Mountains in southwestern Wales. What possessed the Neolithic people to build such a monument is still unknown.
  • 2900 BCE

    First Egyptian hieroglyphs appear

    First Egyptian hieroglyphs appear
  • 1200 BCE

    The Iron Age begins

    Iron used for weapons and tools.
  • Period: 485 BCE to 415 BCE

    Protagoras of Abdera

    Protagoras states that truth, goodness, and all other values are relative, depending solely on the person or society.
  • 406 BCE

    Battle of Arginusae

  • 3 BCE

    Chris born

    Chris born
    God entered into humanity as a baby human. It was such an important event that time actually changed from BC to AD.
  • 371

    Battle of Leuctra

    The Theban commander Epaminondas defeats the reigning champs of the Peloponnese, the Spartans, in the Battle of Leuctra. This marks the end of the centuries-old Spartan reputation of being unbeatable.
  • Period: 750 to 680

    Hesiod writes Theogony

    Theogony, "Birth of the Gods", details a version of Greek mythology.
  • Rodney is born

    Rodney is born
    God must have been sleeping to let this guy enter into humanity.
  • Isaac is born

    Isaac is born
    In order to improve the world after allowing Rodney to be born, God made everything right again by creating Isaac and sending him to earth.