Western African Empires

  • Jan 1, 1240


    The Soninke began to band together for protection against nomadic herders who wanted to move into the area.This banding together was the beginning of Ghana.
    The people of Ghana gradually grew in strength. They learned how to work with iron and how to use iron tools for farming.They also herded cattle for meat and milk.Because of this their population increased.
    Ghana's army kept the trader routes safe. Trade increased,and so did Ghana's wealth. Roime Ann Dela Cruz
  • Jan 1, 1335


    Mali's location on the Niger also allowed its people to control trade on the River.The empire grew rich and powerful.According to legend,Mali's rise to power began under a ruler named Sundiata.
    Sundiata had new farmlands cleared for beans,onions,rice,and other crops. Sundiata even introduced a new crop cotton.The cotton fibers people made clothing.
    The emperor keep order in his prosperous kingdom,Sundiata took power away from local leaders.Each of these local leaders had the title mansa.
  • Jan 1, 1464


    The Songhai Empire was the largest and last of the three major precolonial empires to emerge in West Africa. From its capital at Gao on the Niger River, Songhai expanded in all directions until it stretched from the Atlantic Ocean.
    The Songhai people founded Gao around 800 A.D.and established it as their capital in the 11th century during the reign of Dia Kossoi.
    Sunni AliBer the military commander responsible for these victories, is widely considered the first great ruler of the Songhai Empire.