West Virginia Statehood Movement

  • Battles of Phillippi, Rich Mountain, Scary Creek, Kesler's Cross Lanes, Carnifex Ferry

    Battles of Phillippi, Rich Mountain, Scary Creek, Kesler's Cross Lanes, Carnifex Ferry
    The Battles begin in western Virginia
  • 1st and 2nd Wheeling Conventions

    1st and 2nd Wheeling Conventions
    The Wheeling Conventions were held by Unionist from western counties who strongly opposed secession, and hoped to repeal it.
  • Restored Government of Virginia is Created

    Restored Government of Virginia is Created
    The Restored Government of Virginia was the Unionist government of Virginia during the Civil War.
  • Period: to

    West Virginia Statehood Movement

    The Battles Toward Statehood
  • Wiley Amendment Passed

    Wiley Amendment Passed
    The Wiley Amendment resolved the issue of slavery by calling for the emancipation of slaves as a precondition for the creation of West Virginia.
  • West Virginia Statehood Bill Passed

    West Virginia Statehood Bill Passed
    On July 14, the Statehood Bill passed the Senate with a vote of 23-17. In December, after much debate the Statehood Bill is passed by the House of Representatives with a vote of 96-55.
  • Jenkins Raid

    Jenkins Raid
    On August 22, 1862, Confederate Brigadier General Albert Jenkins began a raid through Western Virginia in response to Robert E. Lee's impending invasion of Maryland. Jenkins and his Confederate troops won several battles and covered over 500 miles.
  • Lincoln Signs the statehood proclamation

    Lincoln Signs the statehood proclamation
    On April 20, 1863, President Abe Lincoln signs the proclamation admitting the new state of West Virginia into the Union, effective in 60 days.
  • West Virginia Becomes a State

    West Virginia Becomes a State
    West Virginia is officially the 35th state to join the Union.