
West African Empires By: Will Calabrese

By 2024642
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    -Trading was a perfect way to get some resources like gold and salt.
    -Ghana's empire started and found many salt mines for trading and was the one that made them a good place for trade.
    -Whenever the people of Ghana traded something to gold miners, they would get a large amount of gold
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    Empire Becomes Bigger

    Empire Becomes Bigger
    -Ghana was able to get full control of trade routes and had soldiers to protect them.
    -They also made a law where you have to pay extra tax when you enter Ghana.
    -The empire of Ghana started to find lots of Gold mines which are a perfect trade source.
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    -Trading was a really great way to earn resources in order to survive.
    -They were able to find many places for resources like Salt and Gold Mines.
    -When the people of Ghana are able to trade to gold miners, they get a big amount of gold from the miners.
  • Jan 13, 1200

    Ghana's Empire Falls

    Ghana's Empire Falls
    -The empire of Ghana started to become more dangerous and weak as more people have started to rebel against their empire because they were from a country Ghana had conquered.
    -These rebels grew in so many packs and kept growing and growing until they have overthrown the empire.
    -Then, once all the rebels took over, they were very weak which lead to many attacks and then Ghana's fall.
  • Jan 1, 1230

    Sundiata makes Mali an empire.

    Sundiata makes Mali an empire.
    -Sundiata was able to make Mali an empire when he built an army and won it's independence against a harsh ruler.
    -Once Sundiata took over, he took control of salt and gold mines, improved agriculture, and made farmlands for crops.
    -He also created these people called Mansas, which help out with government problems.
  • Jan 2, 1312

    Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa
    -Mansa Musa was a famous Muslim ruler who became famous and a well-known emperor.
    -He made Mali reach the height of wealth, fame, and power in the 1300s.
    -Mansa Musa ruled for 25 years from 1312 to 1337. He did many good things to Mali like made important trade cities, and introduced the empire to the Islamic world. Then, Mansa Musa sadly died and no one knows the exact date he died
  • Jan 17, 1400

    Songhai-Building an Empire

    Songhai-Building an Empire
    -Songhai was an empire ruled by Mansa Musa, but after the Mali empire was destoryed, it was then ruled by Muslim leaders.
    -Songhai was a shared religion, which means that due to West African traders, they might be able to become rich.
    -When Songhai gained in wealth, they were able to expand, become a greater empire, and was lead by Sunni Ali, who then made it disorganized but then fixed it up.
  • Jan 21, 1492

    Askia the Great

    Askia the Great
    -After throwing over Sunni Ali's son, Muhammad Ture took over and chose his title as Askia. (High Military Rank)
    -Askia made education a big part of Songhai, making schools, libraries, universities, and mosques.
    -Once Askia the Great did many things, he was known as a phenomenal leader until his death in 1538
  • Jan 4, 1500

    The fall of Mali

    The fall of Mali
    -When Mansa Musa died, his son took place and he was a weak ruler compared to his father.
    -While Mansa Musa's son was a ruler, many raiders attacked Mali and there was nothing Mansa Musa's son could do. Even more raiders were able to attack Mali and make Mali weaker.
    -Then, there was only a small portion of Mali left, which was very bad. Finally, they surrendered and stopped fighting.
  • Songhai's Empire Falls

    Songhai's Empire Falls
    -Morocco, Songhai's enemy, wanted to take control of their salt mines which then leads to Morocco heading to the heart of Songhai to attack with advanced weapons like guns and cannons.
    -The Moroccans were able to attack their empire easily and were able to take down Timbuktu, Gao, and other countries.
    -Trading declined throughout Songhai which lead to Western African and Songhai's empire to fall because port cities became more important and they perfered trading there than with Muslim traders.