Werner Heisenberg (5 Dec 1901 – 1 Feb 1976)

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    Heisenberg's Early Years (5 Dec 1901 – 1 Feb 1976)

    Werner Heisenberg was born in Wurzburg, Kingdom of Barvaria, in the German Empire on the 5th of December in 1901. Even though his family were devoted Christians, he lacked their beliefs and didn’t take the biblical stories literally. From an early age he was fascinated with philosophy. Shortly after entering adulthood in 1920, he began his study of physics and mathematics. He did this while attending Ludwig Maximillian University. By 1923, he received his Doctorate.
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    Heisenberg's Post Education (5 Dec 1901 – 1 Feb 1976)

    In his early years after receiving his doctorate, he spent a lot of time studying quantum physics. Heisenberg felt the current theory on quantum physics was inaccurate. He believed that the then current model for the structure of an atom couldn’t be proven and wanted to come up with his own theory based only on things he could actually observe.
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    Heisenberg During WWII (5 Dec 1901 – 1 Feb 1976)

    At this time, it was believed that physics was a science based on absolutes. Meaning, if the properties for an atom were known, their reactions in any given situation could be determined with certainty. Heisenberg disagreed with this theory. According to him, physics was about probabilities. During the World War II he was at the forefront of research intended to create an atomic bomb for the Nazis. He among others, were directed by Germany to study nuclear fission.
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    Heisenberg After the War (5 Dec 1901 – 1 Feb 1976)

    Following WWII, Heisenberg continued his research. He studied high-energy particle physics for the rest of his days. Heisenberg died in Munich, Barvaria in West Germany at the age of 74 from kidney cancer (Lee, 2017). Below is a YouTube link:
    https://youtube/6SeddiqLGzk Lee, M. “Werner Karl Heisenberg.” Werner Karl Heisenberg, Aug. 2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost, https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip&db=sch&AN=20384132&site=ehost-live&scope=site.