Werner heisenberg

Werner Heisenberg


    Werner Heisenberg was born on December 5, 1901 in Wurzburg, Germany.
  • Period: to

    Werner Heisenber Major Life Events

  • University of Munich

    University of Munich
    Werner Heisenberg went to the university of Munich in 1920 and became a student of Arnold Sommerfeld who helped him become an expert on atomic spectroscopy and the quantum model of physics.
  • Education Continues

    Education Continues
    In 1922, while still a student of Sommerfeld, Heisenberg became an assistant and student of Max Born at the University of Gottingen.
  • Obtains Ph.D

    Obtains Ph.D
    In 1923, Werner Heisenberg received his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Munich.
  • Theories Made Out of College

    Theories Made Out of College
    Heisenberg came up with his uncertainty principle and theory of quantum mechanics, which he published in 1925.
  • Chemistry!

    Werner Heisenberg stated that an electron’s velocity and location cannot possibly be known simultaneously. Werner said that this was due to an electron being so tiny that trying to observe it with a light, would move the particle in a new direction.
  • Nobel Prize!

    Nobel Prize!
    In 1932 he won a Nobel Prize for his discovery of how to formulate quantum mechanics in terms of matrices.
  • Nuclear WWII Research

    Nuclear WWII Research
    In 1941, he visited Neils Bohr in Copenhagen to talk about Nuclear research to help fight WW II.
  • No Help?

    In 1942, Heisenberg told Speer that a bomb couldn’t be built until around 1945 and that their efforts wouldn’t help end WW II.
  • Development of Atomic Bomb

    From 1945- 1946, Heisenberg was an Intern at Farm Hall to help scientists gain knowledge on the development of the atomic bomb.
  • Death

    Werner Heisenberg died on February 1st, 1976 in Munich, Germany (age 74)