Werner Heisenberg

  • The birth of Werner Heisenberg

    The birth of Werner Heisenberg
    Werner Heisenberg was born in Wurzburg, Germany in 1901 to Dr. August Heisenberg and Annie Wecklein. When he was 8 years of age, they moved to Munich. There, soon began his mathematical talent to be apparent. He was also passionately gifted with playing the piano. Eventually, Heisenberg enrolled at the University of Munich where he studied theoretical physics under Arnold Sommerfeld.
  • The University of Munich

    The University of Munich
    Heisenberg became a student of Arnold Sommerfeld, who was a pioneer of atomic theory. Sommerfeld helped Heisenberg become an expert on atomic spectroscopy and the quantum model of physics. Sommerfeld recognized the talent of his student and had him meet with Niels Bohr. Heisenberg finished his Doctorates in 1923.
  • Founding of Quantum Mechanics

    Founding of Quantum Mechanics
    Heisenberg came up with his uncertainty principle and theory of quantum mechanics. He tackled the problem of spectrum intensities of the the electron taken as an anharmonic oscillator. His view was that in measuring a system, we impact that humans are the co-creators of their own reality. It was a breakthrough in atomic physics. Expanding his idea with Max Born and Pascal Jordan, he produced the first mathematical formulation of quantum mechanical phenomena.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    At the age of 26, Heisenberg was a star in the physics firmament and was appointed professor of theoretical physics at Leipzig University in 1927. In 1932, he received the Nobel Prize for his work in creating quantum mechanics.
  • Death

    Heisenberg met his wife, Elizabeth Schumacher in 1932 and they had 7 children. He eventually died on February 1, 19976 in Munich, Germany. He lived to be 74 years old. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwt4dT2qi9E