Received Ph.D.
In 1923 Werner Heisenberg received his Ph.D. at the young age of 22 from the University of Munich. Just a year later, he gained venia legendi, which allowed him to conduct self-contained teaching at the university. -
Published Theory on Quantum Mechanics
When Werner Heisenberg was merely 23 years old, he published a theory on quantum mechanics and discovering various forms of hydrogen. This work would lead to him receiving a Nobel Prize for his advancements in Physics. -
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Appointed Professor of Theoretical Physics
In 1926 Werner Heisenberg was a Lecturer in Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen while serving under Niels Bohr. Just a year later at the young age of 26, Heisenberg became Professor of Theoretical Physics at the university of Leipzig. -
Principle of Uncertainty
In 1927, Heisenberg introduced one of his most influential principles to the world. The uncertainty principle relates to quantum physics and describes the relation between exact positions of particles and their momentum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQKELOE9eY4