Theory of Quantum Mechanics
In 1925, when Heisenberg was just 25 years old, he publish his theory of quantum mechanics. His theory was based solely off what can be observed, ensuring nothing was "assumed" as it had been in previous scientific discoveries in the realm. Paraphrasing many famous quotes, he believed we cannot always assign a position to an electron in space at a given time, nor follow its orbit, so therefore we cannot assume that planetary orbits actually exist. Like Bacon, he was very objective. (Nobel 2014) -
TED Talk
To learn more about Heisenberg's theory of quantum mechanics, and why we cannot know an objects exact place in time, reference the following TED Talk (Orzel 2014): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQKELOE9eY4 -
Nobel Peace Prize - 1932
Heisenberg's name will forever be connected with his theory of quantum mechanics, which was published in 1925. At the time, he was only 23 years old. For this theory and scientific discovery, as well as it's applications, resulted in the discovery of "allotropic forms of hydrogen." Heisenberg was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for 1932. At this time, his discoveries were still in the "revolution" phase and had not been widely accepted by some scientists. -
The End of WWII - 1946
At the conclusion of WWII, Heisenberg and other German physicists were taken prisoner by US troops. Once he was released in 1946, he returned to Institute for Physics at Gottingen to continue his research. It was here that he lectured and caused the paradigm shift to what we still know as a major basis of Quantum Mechanics. (Nobel 2014) -
1957 Onwards
From 1957, Heisenberg focused his efforts on the problems of plasma physics and thermonuclear processes, using the new paradigm he created with his theories in quantum physics. He collaborated with the International Institute of Atomic Physics at Geneva. He was appointed Chairman of the Scientific Policy Committee. -
Citations: Nobel Piece Committee. (2014). Werner Heisenberg - Biographical. Retrieved June 21, 2018, from https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1932/heisenberg-bio.html Orzel, C. (2014, September 16). Retrieved June 21, 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQKELOE9eY4&t=5s