Weimer Germany Timeline

  • German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II resigns

    German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II resigns
    The German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II resigns begun as a result of the anger of the German citizens in regards to the conditions they had suffered through and after WWI. Not only that, but they were upset about reparations they would have to pay to the Allies as a result of the Treaty of Versailles as they were convinced it would poorly impact the economy. I chose this image as it demonstrates that the anger of the people took over the media and was extremely important.
  • Ebert-Groener Pact

    Ebert-Groener Pact
    This was an agreement between the Social Democrat Friedrich Ebert, the current Chancellor of Germany, and Wilhelm Groener, Quartermaster General of the German Army, on November 10, 1918. Wilhelm Groener made it clear to Friedrich Ebert that the loyalty within the army was to him. The image pictures the signing of the pact.
  • Armistice ending WWI

    Armistice ending WWI
    The Armistice of ending WWI in 1918 was an article signed at the Le Francport that formally and seriously ended the fighting and disputes on all of the following: land, sea and air in World War I. There was to be no more tension between the Allies and Germany, the opposing side. The chosen image is from the signing of the agreement and represents an end to violence and introduction of peace finally.
  • Formation of Weimar Republic/Constitution

    Formation of Weimar Republic/Constitution
    This was the constitution that governed Germany from 1919 to 1933. The article declared Germany to be a democratic parliamentary republic and changed the government after the abdication of the Kaiser in the city Weimer. The image shows all the key figures in bringing and maintaining power into Weimer Germany.
  • Spartacist Revolt

    Spartacist Revolt
    The Spartacist Revolt of January in 1919, was a dispute between the Weimar Government led by President Friedrich Ebert and his party followers and a group of revolutionaries called the Spartacists. The Spartacists were fighting for the spread of communism and wanted the working class of citizens in charge. The image shows the seriousness of the dispute and how determined the communists were in getting what they wanted (hence the guns pictured).
  • Bavarian Soviet Republic

    Bavarian Soviet Republic
    The Bavarian Soviet Republic was a very short time period that accompanied a socialist state in Bavaria during the German Revolution. It took the form of a workers' council republic. The image shows the land in which was considered the Bavarian Soviet Republic.
  • Treaty of Versailles & the results for Germany

    Treaty of Versailles & the results for Germany
    This treaty helped formally end WWI and blamed Germany for causing the entire dispute. As a result everyone (but Germany and a few others) agreed Germany must pay for the damage done, which upset a lot of people. The image is a political cartoon that illustrates how pricy and severe the reparations of the war would be on Germany.
  • (Red) Ruhr Uprising

    (Red) Ruhr Uprising
    The Red Ruhr Army was an army of consisting of about 50,000-80,000 left-wing workers. This uprising was the largest armed workers' uprising in the nation's history, and ran from 13 March to 2 April, 1920, in Germany's most important industrial area. The image was taken from the uprising and signifies how large and how many people were involved in this.
  • Kapp Putsch

    Kapp Putsch
    The Kapp Putsch was an attempted revolt and protests against the German central government in Berlin on 13 March 1920. The overall goal of the Kapp Putsch was to reverse the entire German Revolution of 1918–1919, overthrow the established Weimar Republic, and replace the current governmental system with an autocratic government. The image shows how popular and widespread this protest really was.
  • Rapallo Treaty

    Rapallo Treaty
    The Rapallo Treaty was an agreement between Soviet Russia and German Republic signed on April 16, 1922. The treaty was signed with the claims that it rejected the territory claims that were placed on one another. Additionally, the treaty relinquished financial claims between the two nations after WWI and signing the treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
    The picture included shows the Chancellor of Germany Joseph Wirth with Leonid Krasin, Georgi Chicherin and Adolph Joffe from the Russian delegation.
  • Hyperinflation Crisis

    Hyperinflation Crisis
    The Weimer Republic 1923 Hyperinflation crisis resulted from the mass amount of money produced during the workers strike over French occupation of the Ruhr. This caused money to be worth very little because of the nation’s large debt. This resulted in economic instability as well as affecting the livelihood of the people living in Germany.
    The picture included shows Germany, 1923 where banknotes had lost so much value that they were used as wallpaper.
  • Occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium

    Occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium
    The occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium occurred in response to the lack of payment of reparations from Germany. France and Belgium invaded this the Ruhr region in Germany which was the region that contained resources like factories.

    The picture included shows French soldiers and a German civilian in the Ruhr in 1923.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    The Beer Hall Putsch took place on November 9th, 1923. This was an failed coup created by the Nazi party lead by Hitler. The result of this attempted coup, it allowed Hitler and the Nazi party to gain attention to their party.
    The picture included shows Early Nazis at the Marienplatz in Munich during the Beer Hall Putsch.
  • Introduction of Rentenmark

    Introduction of Rentenmark
    The introduction of Rentenmark occurred on November 20th, 1923. The Rentemark was a currency that was brought to the attention of the Weimer Republic to help control the effects of the hyperinflation crisis. It was to replace the old Reichsmark but was available to limited people and supported by the industrial parts of the nation.
    The picture included shows a Rentenmark note.
  • Weimar Golden Age

    Weimar Golden Age
    The Weimer Golden Age took place from 1924-1929. This were the years in which the republic prospered in economic stability as well as repairing past living conditions form the earlier years of the nation.
    The picture included shows Germans living lavish during the golden age and Weimar cabaret.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Dawes plan was a plan outlining the ways in which they could improve the economic state to pay the reparations from the war. This plan was created by Charles Dawes in 1924. This plan led to Weimer Germany leaning into their golden age of prosperity and fixed relationships between nations after the actions of WWI.
    The picture included shows Charles Dawes.
  • Election of President von Hidenburg

    Election of President von Hidenburg
    President Paul von Hindenburg was heavily supported by the right-wing nationaist parties, more specifically, the DNVP. On April 26th, 1925, elections were conducted. Additionally, Hindenburg was elected president on May 12th, 1925 with 900,000 more votes than Wilhelm Marx. The election of the former World War I commander-in-chief sparked worldwide astonishment and indignation.
  • Locarno Treaty

    Locarno Treaty
    The Locarno Treaty was signed on December 1st, 1925. The treaty was between Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Italy with its intentions being to lead Europe into peace. The treaty also helped strengthen borers between European Nations post WWI. This treaty also led the way to the League of Nations.
    The picture included shows Gustav Stresemann, Austen Chamberlain and Aristide Briand during the Locarno negotiations
  • Treaty of Berlin with Soviet Union

    Treaty of Berlin with Soviet Union
    The Treaty of Berlin was a five-year treaty signed on April 24, 1926. In the treaty, it states that Germany and the Soviet Union must and agreed to remain neutral in the event of a third-party assault on another. The Treaty of Rapallo, signed in 1922 between Germany and the Soviet Union, was reaffirmed in this treaty.
  • German entrance into League of Nations

    German entrance into League of Nations
    The Weimar Republic was admitted to the League of Nations due to a 1926 decision made feasible by Stresemann's fulfillment strategy. The Locarno Treaty was also put into effect as a result of this article.
  • Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany

    Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany
    This was a partnership made up of the four major German parties that supported democracy. The SPD was first, followed by the DDP, DVP, and finally the CCCP. This contributed to the end of the French invasion of the Ruhr, but it also forced the SPD to abandon the coalition. This led to the rise of Hitler.
  • Young Plan

    Young Plan
    Following World War I, Owen Young created the Young Plan. This was devised to assist Germany in settling its reparations obligations, splitting the sum owed into theoretical and practical totals. The strategy, however, was thwarted by the 1929 Wall Street Crash, as well as the rise of nationalism.
  • Beginning of Great Depression

    Beginning of Great Depression
    The Great Depression was caused by the Wall Street Crash in October 1929. This not only impacted the entire world, but it also caused Germany’s Young Plan to stop completely. Additionally, the Great Depression erased all of the credits that were supposed to be used for the plan. Germany was impacted when America had to ask to recall money from other countries, which led to the agreement that Germany would never be able to pay off all of the reparations.
  • Von Papen’s deal with Hitler

    Von Papen’s deal with Hitler
    Chancellor Von Papen was appointed because of General von Schleicher’s influence. Because of his power, Nazis also started to rise to power. The general and chancellor argued a lot over the representation of all Germans. Because of these disputes, Von Papen made Hitler Chancellor during his rise to power and made himself vice-chancellor.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Von Papen thought that he was going to use and manipulate Hitler. However, Hitler slowly manipulated the rise of Nazi and Nazi Germany through the manipulation of article 48. He became the ruler of Germany.