The Spartacists uprising
The Spartacists were extremist communists and wanted to completely rid Germany of capitalism. From the 5th to the 15th there were violent uprising all over Germany to try get this passed though -
Weimar Republic Established
November 9th 1919, Kaiser Wilhelm stepped down from his place of power due to many threats of his life. Which lead to Germany becoming the Weimar Republic. -
Germany Signs the Treaty of Versailles
The German government signed the treaty under protest of Majority of the population but the Right-Right wing German parties saw this as a betrayal, and terrorists assassinated multiple politicians who they saw as responsible. -
the establishment of the Nazi party
Berlin Kapp Putsch
German soldiers marched on Berlin as an attempt to seize power which was successful but the government rallied support and organised mass strike as a protest against this.
This event was the first sign of how weak the German government was. -
Assassination of Walter Rathenau
Walter Rathenau was in charge of resource allocation in world war 1 and he was a person in power who was responsible for signing the Treaty of Versailles. -
Stressemann becomes Chancellor
Stressemann was appointed chancellor and foreign Minister for the Weimar Republic. He wrote to the Crown Prince on 23 July 1923: "The most important objective of German politics is the liberation of German territory from foreign occupation. First, we must remove the strangler from our throat". -
Berlin riots about hyperinflation
Over 30,000 Germans rioted in Berlin protesting the hyperinflation. There was a strong anti-semitic feeling as many people blamed the Jewish population for Germany's economic crisis. -
Munich Beer Hall Putsch
On November 8th, 1923, the Bavarian government held a meeting in a Munich beer hall. Adolf Hitler stormed wil armed troops and shot 2 bullets into the roof and announced that the National revolution had begun. -
The Dawes Plan
Was an attempt to solve the reparations problem. Some of the agreements included Allied forces evacuating from the Ruhr and a making the reparations payment less. -
Friedrich Ebert dies before election
Friedrich Ebert, a Social Democrat and founder of the Republic, had been President since its creation in 1919. His death sparks a dramatic Weimar Republic. -
Germany joins the League of Nations
Germany was not allowed to join until it had proven itself to be peaceful. In 1926, Germany was finally represented within the League. -
The Young plan
The second program that was implemented to help pay off Germans debt. It allowed German to borrow money from the United States and pay off the reparations in smaller installations. -
Wall street crash
The wall street crash of '29 lead to a despression all over the world, Germany was effected by this due to the loans that they were receiving from the USA at this time due to the Young plan. -
About 38% of the votes were in favour of the Nazi party, making them the most popular party in Weimar history. -
Unemployment reached 5 million
since the wall street crash of 1929, Germany has been traveling down a road to depression due to not being able to trade and unable to be able make an income the had to shut down many factories which lead to unemployment and many of the population suffering a great deal. -
Hitler named the last Weimar Chancellor
The republic had recently gone through 2 chancellor in 8 months which left Hitler the only last option for someone to hold this power which gave him his first stage of power -
The Reichstag Fire
A young, mentally handicapped, Dutch communist was caught setting fire to the German government building, the Reichstag. Hitler used the arson attack to outlaw the communist party -
The fall of the Weimar Republic
Hitler commanded a "majority in the legislative assembly". From this, he passed the Enabling Laws which permitted the Nazi government to decree laws without going through parliament. Which lead to the fall of the Weimar Republic